KDE Android applications: disable animations

@mimo1, you can set the animation scale AOSP-wide, just like you can in kcm_workspace:

      1. com.android.settings.Settings$ColorAndMotionActivity
      2. Remove animations

        This method obviously isn’t very useful unless you want to remove them and easily restore them to the default later.

      1. com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsDashboardActivity
        • Window animation scale

        • Transition animation scale

        • Animator duration scale

      This method is still GUI-based, but lets you set them to custom (albeit solely sane) values. They’re incremented integrally.

    1. #!/usr/bin/env sh
      speed = 0.25
      adb shell
      • settings put global window_animation_scale $speed
      • settings put global transition_animation_scale $speed
      • settings put global animator_duration_scale $speed


If these don’t affect KDE’s Kirigami applications, I’ll file a bug for it.

  1. xdaforums.com/t/animations-set-scale-set-to-25.4365695/#post-85987489 ↩︎