KDE Force close apps on Shutdown?


I’ve been experiencing an issue where some AppImages hang during shutdown. When I press the shutdown button from the menu, it can take up to a minute before anything happens. Then, I receive a notification that App XYZ is still running, asking if I want to cancel the shutdown or force close it.

Is there a way to speed this up? When I choose to shut down, I know what I’m doing and I don’t mind if the app in the background closes.

Thanks in Advance for any Help

I found the according function in plasma/kwin/src/sm.cpp:0467 but it seems there is, at least at this place, no overwrite by enviroment or anything :frowning: Maybe someone have another Idea for me.

Do you mean the shutdown button to turn your desktop or laptop off?

This command should help.

sudo shutdown -h now

Maybe try systemctl status to see what exactly is still running and then disable it or enable it.
Other idea:
See if running the umount command for the AppImage as soon as you don’t need it mounted any more helps.

Did a little reading online and found out this info. Hope it helps.

Appimaged is a daemon that monitors the system and integrates AppImages. It monitors a predefined set of directories on the user’s system searching for AppImages, and integrates them into the system using libappimage.

Maybe there is a way to control the daemon?

Thats a good find, I will dig into it.


Let us know how things work out:- :slightly_smiling_face:

Wasnt really succesful on this. The Appimage I use is Rambox (multimessenger) I tried so much now that it is for now easier just to remind myself closing it :frowning:

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