KDE neon Plasma 6.1 screen sharing error in Wayland

Is there any way to manually update Pipewire to a newer version to “fix” the issue ?
As others can also confirm, the 6.1 fix of downgrading xdg-desktop-portal has ceased to function, but now neither the screenshare menu or the system tray icon show up, latest xdg-desktop-portal version or not

I have the same problem in kde neon plasma 6.2. Downgrading xdg-desktop-portal doesn’t work. My pipewire version is 1.0.7.

Due to frustation, I installed xdg-desktop-portal-gnome. It installed a bunch of gnome things including gnome DE. I selected gdm as the login screen. I logged in to gnome wayland and the screensharing works. Just fyi.

That’s the regular conundrum of Neon being based on Ubuntu LTS whereas plasma uses latest stable release of dependencies.
You might be able to install a more recent version of pipewire manually but it might cause issues still with some program using one or the other.

From neon.kde.org:

You should use KDE neon if you are an adventurous KDE enthusiast who wants the latest and greatest from the KDE community as soon as it’s available, with no delays, opinionated patches, or UX changes.

Adventurous here means not completely stable.

This is KDE software the way KDE designed it!

Last sentence isn’t even true.
That’s unfortunate, but neon isn’t the best when it comes to stability.

That’s a major reason why there is a new KDE provided distro being worked on:

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I added Tuxedo’s repo on my Neon in my office so its Pipewire is newer than on Ubuntu’s repo. I’m heading there later to see if I can replicate the problem with 6.2.

But with 6.1, I had no issues.

Personally, I’d love to see Neon work with Tuxedo so that they can provide the “missing pieces”.

Tuxedo OS can be a nice alternative What are the differences between TUXEDO OS and Ubuntu/Kubuntu? - TUXEDO Computers

Neon just rebased to Ubuntut 24.04 this should fix the pipewire issue.

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Can confirm here, 24.04 LTS has fixed the issue on 2 devices I have, I highly recommend upgrading to anyone who need screenshare on a day to day basis (or still somewhat frequent)

Thank you meven, your help on the matter was really handy, keep up your good work!

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Yeah, it would be nice, but I can’t do this because the upgrade process fails. There are a lot of messages about abrupter upgrade process on this forum. For example: KDE neon Rebased on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - #37 by Ayanami

You’re right. I’ve updated into KDE neon which is based on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. And yes, it’s the solution of this problem.

Can you describe your upgrade process. It might be useful for other who has problems with it.

Just type this commands:

  1. sudo apt update
  2. sudo apt full-upgrade -y
  3. sudo do-release-upgrade

Maybe it will takes time almost 1 hour.

I’d recommend sudo pkcon refresh && sudo pkcon update && sudo do-release-upgrade.
Ref: KDE neon

And Neon/NobleUpgrades - KDE Community Wiki for gui mode.

Well, you are lucky :wink:

On my laptops (thinkpad x230 & thinkpad t14), these steps weren’t work - both devices update plasma, but fail to rebase.

After clean installation on the thinkpad t14 grub2 freezes during loading.

I have also a desktop, but I not in hurry to make experiments on it.

any solution figured out? I am facing the same issue.

Upgrading to 24.04 fixed Chrome screensharing for me. Zoom desktop is still buggy and broken especially on my dual monitor setup so I’m still forced to use my browser for Zoom meetings.

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This week installed Neon from the scratch.
Screen sharing works in Chrome, Slack, Zoom.
Screen sharing doesn’t work in the Discord client, but it didn’t work before as well.

This is hopeful, nice. What might be the main issue for screen sharing not even still working with Discord?

(And what might be the expected timely estimate for getting it to work).

As far I know, Vesktop allow using screen sharing, so you can use it instead of the official discord client.