KDE Online Accounts - Not Signing In

Hi all, I found this problem was solved with Fedora39!
(Or 28 also with new update? I don’t know…)

Hi all, I installed KDE 6.0 and this happens again, I can’t create an online account, and having the same message.
If you can try without @gmail.com, as I was able to map it, even though Dolphin does not show the mapped drive.

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Try to log in pressing blue buttons with your mouse.
When I use only the keyboard, the auth. fail, complaining about an unsecure browser blah blah…
When I gently click the big blue buttons to validate, its ok.
I can reach my gdrive trough dolphin, even its buggy AF.

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Struggling with the same issue with KDE Neon. This is defietively a KDE bug, as the Gnome distros don`t have problem to connect to google account
at all.

That advice actually worked. I am on latest arch:

local/signon-kwallet-extension 24.02.2-1 (kde-applications kde-network)
    KWallet integration for signon framework
local/signon-plugin-oauth2 0.25-3
    OAuth 2 plugin for signon
local/signon-ui 0.17+20231016-2
    UI component responsible for handling the user interactions which can happen during the login process of
    an online account
local/signond 8.61-3
    A D-Bus service which performs user authentication on behalf of its clients