Kdenlive 24.02.0 released

Fullscreen/Full Screen & External Monitor (HDMI connection)

Any Windows 10 users having issues with Switch to Full Screen (Project Monitor) or Monitor > Switch Monitor Fullscreen with an external/second monitor?

It’s either crashing or scaled to half in Project Monitor. Just wondering.


Acer Swift 1
Intel Pentium Quad Core Processor N3710 @ 1.60 GHz
Intel HD Graphics
4GB DDR3 L Memory
64-bit operating system, x64-based processor


Windows 10


Tesco 22-830 21.5" LCD Television

“…the introduction of a dedicated package for Apple Silicon, the discontinuation of PPA support and an enhanced method for installing the Whisper…”

How can dropping PPA support be listed as a “feature”? It is actually a serious drawback. Less choice means less freedom, and, you know, there are people who still value the non-bloated way of running applications on Linux.

Having followed Kdenlive for a while, many of the errors users experience come form incorrectly packaged version distributed by distros. If by using the versions packaged by the Kdenlive devs themselves, be they the AppImage or Flatpak, users have a less problems, that is a plus.

(It also saves on support - a plus for the devs :star_struck:)

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Fixed and will be available in next release

Do you mean using F11 to have the monitor on a second screen? If so, I have tested it on Win10 and it works, but had none of the screens on HDMI. Let me check on another Win10 computer.

Yes, F11 (I changed this to P because of another NLE) is the keyboard shortcut or hot key for Monitor > Switch Monitor Fullscreen.

I mention HDMI because of recent videos by a couple of Linux YouTubers (Tunnell and Robertson).

What happens when you press F11 to get back to Clip/Project Monitor view? Are the keys non responsive because the cursor is outside the software? This is another issue, and an old unresolved one at that.


Hello eveyone, hello frdbr,

No, this workaround didn’t work with the appimage.

So I remain with a problem that looks the same as CapedMadman’s: problem with fonts (Kdenlive 24.02.0 released - #11 by CapedMadman) (he was using flatpak and solved it).

As evidenced by this:

or that:

Still hoping…



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Hi everyone,

Well w.e.f. just now, the fonts issue is solved for me, as a special appimage release (see here) that I just downloaded displayed no fonts disturbances on my machine.

Keep it up, all of you at Kdenlive!


I could not reproduce the crash on my Win10 with 2 monitors. But seems to be fixed for 24.02.1: Fix: Windows crash clicking fullscreen button (585ffc98) · Commits · Multimedia / Kdenlive · GitLab

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Great news about the font fix in the special release AppImage. Awesome work!

Looking forward to updating my flatpak install!

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Used this new version for a few videos so far. Really liking it. Thanks for all the hard work guys.

Weird GUI bug in Windows 10: When I resize the Kdenlive window, the bottom border of Kdenlive gets duplicated.

Moving another application around that area results in the lower duplicated border to become transparent.

The issue is not limited to what I described above - in the this state the mouse cursor has an effect a cm or so above where the cursor actually is. This is most noticeable in the effects menu when the effect above the cursor becomes highlighted.

If I click on the upper border of the kdenlive window and move the window, everything seems to fix itself (until you resize the window again.

Anyone else see this?

Thanks Kdenlive team for making that great update !

Users having problems trying load the appimage version try start using terminal
and see in terminal screen the log lines about missing libraries. Try install the missing libraries. Perhaps can fix it.

About requirement what is the vulkan and nvenc minimum version ?
kdenlive-22.12.3 is the last version with nvenc working for geforce kepler.
Perhaps was updated the requirement for nvenc enconding.

Not is possible make an compatibility for previous nvenc version ? I only use kdenlive for videos below of 1080P.
How if is possible enconding using ffmpeg is an good alternative since ffmpeg can use nvenc.

This isn’t going to help you, but it might help someone else:

I saw the garbled fonts issue as well on my system package. It turned out I was missing some libraries; namely rtaudio, sdl_image, and movit. After installing them, the issue disappeared.

Edit: Nevermind, it was the environment variable that solved it. I just happened to be missing some libraries at the same time, so I thought I’d solve that issue too.

I recommend against anyone installing this version for work as I personally lost 4 hours worth of mine after closing the program yesterday(saved and all just fine) and re-openning today, just to see audio, video and a bunch of stuff either missing or scrambled

happened on Linux? windows? is your project an old one created with a previous version?

it was a new project created with that version, on windows(10 pro)