Kdenlive 24.08.3 released

Originally published at: Kdenlive 24.08.3 released - Kdenlive

The last maintenance release of the 24.08 series is out. Fix crash caused by incorrect codec passed on opening subtitle. Commit. Fixes bug #495410. Fix shadowed variable causing incorrect clip removal on project opening, fix crash opening project with timeline clip missing in bin. Commit. See bug #493486. Fix qml crash building timeline with Qt…


So … a while ago I put out a feeler about clip markers disappearing to see if anyone else had seen that and could help narrow down the trigger for it happening (https://discuss.kde.org/t/clip-markers-disappearing-randomly-in-24-05-02)

and I think I’ve just found a way to reproduce it ‘reliably’ in 24.08.3.

I’m using external proxy clips (the LRV files created by my camera) for normal editing, but occasionally I want to export a frame as a still image, which means I usually do two things:

  • Temporarily disable the use of the proxy for the clip, so I can select the best frame while viewing the video in full resolution.
  • Add a marker to the clip to record the frame(s) I’m exporting in the project file.

In 24.08.3 (appimage) I’m seeing the following behaviour:

  • Add a marker to a clip in the clip monitor (I’ve got nothing added to the timeline yet in this project). Save the project. Confirm the marker exists in the project file.

  • Disable the proxy for that clip (with the ‘Proxy clip’ checkbox in the clip context menu in the bin). Save the project. The marker is now no longer present in the project file, but does still exist in the UI.

  • If I exit and restart kdenlive at this point it will be lost permanently, but if I edit the marker and rename it, or delete and re-add it, and then save the project again, all markers which were lost for that clip are returned to the project file.

  • The same behaviour is seen when I enable the proxy for the clip too. It seems changing the state of whether the clip is proxied loses the markers in the project file state even though it keeps them in the UI state, and only editing a marker resynchronises those two states.

Has anyone else been seeing this (or is able to reproduce it as described above)? I’m a bit short on time today, but if that’s really all there is to it, we’ve got a useable bug report - if not, I’ll need to dig a bit deeper into what is Special about my project config to trigger this.

Flatpak ist still 24.08.2

Waiting for the update.
Thank you!

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24.08.3 has been pushed to Flathub now

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