KDEnlive - Cannot Add Titles


I’m using OpenSuSE Tumbleweed with KDEnlive. Everything works fine except for just one thing. Under the Project menu the “Add Title Clip” part of the menu is greyed out. I can’t add a title to a video. When I try Add Template Title there is an error message which say… "Cannot open file /usr/share/kdenlive/titles/simple-scroll.kdenlivetitle "

I wonder if this is a permissions issue ? Maybe not.

Hello @ricardibbo . Make sure you have write rights to following folders (column Linux): Installation — Kdenlive Manual 24.02 documentation


" Make sure you have write rights to following folders (column Linux): "

Had a look through the page and tried…

chmod -R 755 /path/to/folder
chown user /path/to/folder

The " add title clip " is still greyed out under the Project menu. I can’t think what else I can do to fix this.

Mmh. If not done already, please try with the AppImage. If it works, then it’s a packing issue.

" please try with the AppImage "

I’ve installed Appimagelauncher in OpenSuSE and installed the Appimage version of KDEnlive after removing the SuSE version. I can now access the Add title clip part of the project menu.

Thank you :slightly_smiling_face: