I’m using OpenSuSE Tumbleweed with KDEnlive. Everything works fine except for just one thing. Under the Project menu the “Add Title Clip” part of the menu is greyed out. I can’t add a title to a video. When I try Add Template Title there is an error message which say… "Cannot open file /usr/share/kdenlive/titles/simple-scroll.kdenlivetitle "
I wonder if this is a permissions issue ? Maybe not.
Hello @ricardibbo . Make sure you have write rights to following folders (column Linux): Installation — Kdenlive Manual 24.02 documentation
" Make sure you have write rights to following folders (column Linux): "
Had a look through the page and tried…
chmod -R 755 /path/to/folder
chown user /path/to/folder
The " add title clip " is still greyed out under the Project menu. I can’t think what else I can do to fix this.
Mmh. If not done already, please try with the AppImage. If it works, then it’s a packing issue.
" please try with the AppImage "
I’ve installed Appimagelauncher in OpenSuSE and installed the Appimage version of KDEnlive after removing the SuSE version. I can now access the Add title clip part of the project menu.
Thank you