Kdenlive clip duration changes after changing speed

I noticed that after changing speed for a certain clip, its duration would also change.

Here is a reproducible example:

  1. I’m using the “Napoli” clip from Quick Start tutorial. Its length is 00:00:10:22.
  2. Right click the clip, select Edit Duration. Set Crop start to 00:00:02:00 and Duration to 00:00:04:00.
  3. Hover on the clip. The duration would show.
  4. Right click the clip, select Change Speed. Set Speed to 200.00%.
  5. Select Edit Duration again. Both Crop start and Duration are halved.
    屏幕截图 2024-09-28 091205
  6. Hover on the clip again. These parameters are also halved.

Is this a bug? Or is this intended?

pretty sure this is intended