Kdenlive version 24.0.8: clip effects are always disabled after loading project


I am new to kdenlive and I have created a first short video 5 minutes. On clip level I made use of fade in /fade out effects and in audio clips I used effects to control the loudness of audio. Everything works fine and the render result looks good.
However, every time I reload the project file all effects are in disabled mode and I need to reactivate them by mouse click in the control box of each effect.
Is there any setting in kdenlive that will keep the effects enabled until the next restart of the project?

Thank You for any hints.

Welcome on the forum. Are you working on Linux, Windows or Mac?

If you are working on Linux and if not done already, try with the AppImage from here: Download - Kdenlive to see if there are any packaging problems.

I work on Windows 10 and Linux Mint. With the standalone version 24.05.2 of kdenlive on Windows 10 the mentioned problem does not occur.

Then it’s a packaging issue on Linux. Try with the AppImage to see if this is fixing the problem.

I am on Mac and there is a issue with the fx on a channel, it gives you a error message. Its a known issue, a bug of some sort.

I’ve stumbled to a similar problem. I am using Kdenlive 24.08.0 on Macbook Pro with M1 processor.

I’ve just added some Glich0r effects to three clips. On two of them it works fine. But on the third one the effect is disabled as if I had clicked on the eye icon. However, clicking on the eye icon does not enable the effect for this clip. If I remove the effect for this clip and add it again, thte effect is again disabled and cannot be enabled.

I’ve just found the solution to my problem and it is quite trivial :slight_smile:

There is another eye icon on the Effect Stack. It is above all effects and controls them all. So it happened that I had clicked on this eye icon which disables every single effect for this clip.

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