Keyboard layout for XWayland apps

Hi, i’m not sure if that’s a KDE or xwayland issue, and i’m kinda stumped i don’t really find much about it…

I switched to wayland with the update to plasma6 (arch) but now have the issue that xwayland doesn’t seem to pick up the keyboard layout most of the time.

Sometimes it works after boot, sometimes it works after switching back and forth between layouts, sometimes that doesn’t help. Sometime it even works after boot but at some point stops working and is back to default us layout (i guess) and i have no idea when/why that happens…

It seems all xwayland apps are either affected or not affected, so at least there is some consistency ^

Has anyone experienced something similar or has some hint to point me in the right direction?

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Good evening,

Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

I am confronted with this problem since I upgraded to opensuse leap 15.6.

Under leap 15.5 and KDE 6 I had a French system and a fr-oss keyboard (improved azerty) under wayland.

Since then the keyboard is qwerty for all X11 applications. I first noticed this with Yast; then I realised that the problem did not concern Yast, as the ncurses version was not affected, but only X11 applications in Wayland.

I was able to fix the problem for Vivaldi by following this article which
mentions that X11 is the default one but that it can be override by selecting auto in chrome://flags, Preferred Ozone platform.

For Yast, I was able to run it under wayland and get a french window and an azerty keyboard with this command as root:
export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland ; yast2 --qt

Could this be a problem with the latest version of the KDE Framework , which has modified KWindowSystem ?

I don’t understand what’s wrong with Wayland any more than that, so in the meantime I’m going back to X11.