Hey I was wondering if anyone else is seeing this issue.
I’m using the latest stable update of Neon and after I install kmail and try and run it I get the following before it crashes:
qt.core.qobject.connect: QObject::disconnect: No such slot Akonadi::StatisticsProxyModel::_q_sourceDataChanged
(QModelIndex, QModelIndex, QList) in ./src/core/models/statisticsproxymodel.cpp:192
kmail: …/src/wayland-eglsurface.c:2562: wlEglDestroySurface: Assertion `wl_list_empty(&surface->ctx.streamIma
ges)’ failed.
*** KMail got signal 6 (Exiting)
*** Dead letters dumped.
KCrash: Application ‘kmail’ crashing… crashRecursionCounter = 2
Aborted (core dumped)
Any help would be grand!