KMM discrepensies between XML and SQL

Hi everybody,

I’m seeking your help for the following issue regarding the copy of shares operations in KMM (v.5.1.3) under Opensuse Tumbleweed (last update, with Wayland) and their copy in SQL (Mariadb 11.5.2).

Shares actions Buy, Reinvest, Dividend, Add recorded in the XML file as such are correctly recorded in the kmmSplits table of the SQL database.

The problem arises for Sell , recorded as such in the XML file, is recorded as Buy in the SQL database under the field ‘action’ in the kmmSplits table.

Could you please tell me how to solve this issue.

Many thanks for your help.


When you load that data back into KMM, does it show correctly or wrong? I assume you are talking about how it appears in the database. Also, in the database table, is the number of shares possibly negative?