Edit: The Identifier for the Currencies is showing the Header text instead of the actual URL - it shows the URL when you hover over the link. Don´t know why it does that!?!
Just in case this is of help to anybody, This is exactly what I have for Stocks & Currencies and it all works perfectly:
Identifier: Exchange Rates - Currency Converter - Foreign Currency Rates - Money Transfer Services Comparison
Price: Today\s*=\s*([^<]*)
Date: ,\s*(\d+\s*[a-zA-Z]+\s*\d{4})
Date Format: %d/%m/%y
URL: https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v8/finance/chart/%1
Identifier: %1
Indentify by: Symbol
Price: “regularMarketPrice”:((\d+|\d{1,3}(?:[,]\d(3))).\d+)
Date: “regularMarketTime”:([\d]+)