KMyMoney connection with Mariadb

Hi everybody,
I’m seeking your help in solving the following issue:
Until a recent full Opensuse Tumbleweed reinstall, I use to work properly with KMyMoney in connection with MariaDb database.
Following this reinstall, I don’t know to install the Mariadb driver to make it appear in the sql window for storing the KMM fil into a sql database. Only SQL Cipher appear in this window. I went to QT5 to follow the procedure.

My question is : from the KMM side, is there a specific version version of the driver to use, or can I use the version presented by QT5? I this case could you, please, tell me where I could find it?

Many thanks for your attention and your help.


From what I know, KMyMoney needs the generic QtSql Driver and the specific for MySQL to be installed. Currently, only Qt5 is supported. Could be, that they are named libQt5Sql5-mysql and libQt5Sql5 on openSUSE.

Hope that helps.


Thanks so much for your help. That’s working fine.
