KMyMoney Home Screen

I’m running 5.1.3 on a iMac. The Home and Reports are blank. I had this problem on an older version also. Any help would be appreciated.

What exact version, and where did you get it? Have you tried the nightly build instead of the release build? Also, is this a new problem, or is this the first time you are trying KMyMoney?

I’m trying to use kmymoney-5.1-3138-macos-clang-arm64 from the kde site

I experiment also the problem with KMM 5.1-3138 (5.1.3-7ef4c2d KDE Framworks 5.115.0 Qt 5.15.12) on macOS 15.1.1
Similar issues has been reported in bug 468936, 470437, 477661, … but I don’t see any fixes.

The fix has been incorporated into the master branch. Unfortunately, we are still looking for support by a developer who can fix the builds on the KDE CI/CD system.