KMyMoney Umzug auf neuen Rechner

Hallo zusammen. Ich möchte KMyMoney auf einen anderen Pc umziehen. So wie beschrieben hab ich die Datei auf einen USB Stick kopiert und sehe sie auch. Sobald ich aber den Stick im anderen Rechner habe sehe ich die kopierte Datei nicht mehr und kann sie natürlich in KMyMoney nicht öffnen. Was kann das sein.

(Please excuse the reply in English.)
When you say that you cannot “see” it on the thumb drive, do you mean you don’t see it through KMM or that your “files” program does not see it. On a side note I will add that I love TotalCommander in Windows and its twin, DoubleCmd in Linux, for “looking” at drives. I don’t see why you cannot see a file that you have on the drive. Add more details please.

KMM does not see the copied file from the first PC on the other PC. So I cannot open a KMM file on a new PC.

@neon that leaves out an answer to a question that @Atheist raised: is it only with KMyMoney that does not find the file and other programs can find it or not? Looks like you mentioned in the bug entry that other applications also don’t see the file.

On Linux a disk (of any kind) needs to be mounted into the filesystem so that its content becomes accessible. First, you need to find out how the device (thumb drive) is named in your system. One way to do that would be to remove the usb drive form your PC and run lsblk in a terminal window, then attach it and run lsblk again. Check for the differences to figure out its name.

Example: without a thumb drive attached I get

nvme0n1      259:0    0 931,5G  0 disk  
├─nvme0n1p1  259:1    0   680M  0 part  /boot/efi
├─nvme0n1p2  259:2    0   128M  0 part  
├─nvme0n1p3  259:3    0  71,5G  0 part  /usr/local
│                                       /var
│                                       /tmp

and with the thumb drive attached I get

sda            8:0    1  29,8G  0 disk  
└─sda1         8:1    1  29,8G  0 part  
nvme0n1      259:0    0 931,5G  0 disk  
├─nvme0n1p1  259:1    0   680M  0 part  /boot/efi
├─nvme0n1p2  259:2    0   128M  0 part  
├─nvme0n1p3  259:3    0  71,5G  0 part  /usr/local
│                                       /var
│                                       /tmp

That concludes, that my thumb drive is known as sda and the partition (sda1) is not mounted (MOUNTPOINTS does not show a value).
Repeat the above on both PCs and check if there is a difference in the MOUNTPOINTS column.

BTW, in case I mount the usb disk, it looks like this (on my system):

sda            8:0    1  29,8G  0 disk  
└─sda1         8:1    1  29,8G  0 part  /run/media/my-user-name/Lexar
nvme0n1      259:0    0 931,5G  0 disk  
├─nvme0n1p1  259:1    0   680M  0 part  /boot/efi
├─nvme0n1p2  259:2    0   128M  0 part

Hello, I can see the file in the file manager. However, I can’t see the file on the USB stick in KMyMoney. I just want to transfer the data from KMyMoney from one computer to a new computer.

this may have something to do with access rights

hab ich mit lsblk geprüft und beides ist gleich

Ok, no difference and the device seems to be mounted in both cases.

Yes, that could be another source. Is there any difference of the output of the command id, especially the uid when run on the two systems? If you are uncertain, you can share the output of id on the computer with the problem and the output of ls -n data-file.kmy on the machine that can read the file?

If I copy this file into the documents directory and then say open with another application and select KMymoney, then it works. That helps me for now. But I still don’t understand it.

This may be too stupid to consider, but maybe KMyMoney does not see it on your thumb drive because it is looking for it in the “default” directory location. If you copy the file from your thumb drive to that expected location, maybe then KMM will automatically see it?

Neon - when you say KMyMoney does not see the data file, is it just not seen in the initial directory when you do File/Open, or is it still not seen even if you navigate to the directory where you put it? If the permissions allow KMyMoney to open the file when requested through the file manager, then it should be able to see the file when looking in that directory.

Ja, dann sehe ich die Datei