is kmymoney officially abandoned? More than 2 years no update. Documentation so outdated that its not recommended to open. permanent issues with fxrates and stock price updates, …
Short answer: no.
Long answer: see here
Regarding the problems you mention with currency and stock price updates: it’s mostly a matter of adapting to the ever changing web sources using the parameters available in KMyMoney.
We don’t have the bandwidth to support this and provided a once working version and gave all users the possibility to make the the necessary modifications themselves. If you ask politely here on the forum, I am sure others will provide help to get you going. It’s what we call community effort.
ok, thx for info. is there a release plan?
For the fx / stock price update - sadly there is no description on how to maintain / keep up with the “changing web sources”. A joe regular certainly cannot do anything with the configuration dialog - how to log a response from the website? How to debug? The “availability to adapt” is thus not a practical one for a regular user.
This - btw - is another conflict with the kmymoney website which suggests “a money manager for humans”, or “ease of use - strives to be the easiest”. I mean really? If ease of use is understood by providing a regex dialog to debug server responses, well, i guess 99.9% of humans will have a different understanding of ease of use.
IPWizard: “If you ask politely here on the forum, …” Thanks for giving me a big big smile today, IPW. (and keep up the good work!)