KolourPaint problem with global scaling

When global scaling != 100%, KolourPaint doesn’t render images correctly. This is a bug that has been around for years. I’ve been able to reproduce it on 6 out of 6 Plasma installations so far. I found a workaround - manually changing the Zoom % everytime that I open KolourPaint, but I’d assume that most people would probably just give up on KolourPaint when they face this problem. Which is sad, because it’s otherwise a wonderful program.

Could someone who is competent chime in with more info on this. Is the bug easy or hard to fix? Is there something tricky with this and if yes, what is it?


Hi - well, I have no competency on the topic of how KolourPaint is actually coded to answer your question at the end…

But one thing I think I can help with is, this bug appears to have not yet had its status triaged - it is still in the “reported” state. That means it’s less likely to show up on an active developer’s radar, because that would indicate that while one person has documented the issue, it hasn’t yet been reproduced and confirmed to be an issue in the KDE software specifically.

Aside from the others who have reproduced the issue, I can also do so personally, so I’ve flipped the status to “confirmed” to at least help make sure that it shows up as one that’s ready for/in need of more investigation.