Krusader and Kvantum transparency

Some of the widgets in krusader aren’t transpacency capable: the title of each panel (where size and device info is displayed) and the panel itself (list of files).
Menu, toolbars, tabs and current location are.

I have installed kvantum and tweaked most of it’s features and don’t know if it is possible to make those widgets transparent.

I’m posting it here before asking for this feature in the KDE Bugtracking System.

Not capable. Dunno 'bout that. Lightly, some color scheme and krusaderrc tweaks.

How the heck were you able to make it so transparent ? Can you share settings ? @dzon

Like I said, Lightly application style. The rest is simply editing your color scheme and, in the case of krusader, the rc.

In the color scheme, there are quite a bit of things to which you can add a transparency value. For example:

Most, if not all will work in, say, dolphin. But krusader is a different beast in that regard. That one has its own color settings ( krusader>settings>colors). And some, set in the color scheme, won’t even work. So it requires a bit of fiddling. Let me put it this way, you can change krusader specific colors, but in terms of transparency, those will have to be adjusted in the krusaderrc.
For example:

But, as far as krusader goes, that stuff is very much user defined. As such I cannot provide specific settings, just a few hints.

@dzon Can’t this be done via Kvantum coz if I switch to Lightly only sidebar of dolphin will be transparent unless am missing something… I use both lol.

I just answered your question.

@dzon I know you did and am thankful for that. I was just wondering if I can avoid Lightly due to the way it themes Dolphin.

Not really sure what you mean by “how it themes”. You can set it more or less to look like default breeze. Anywhoo. Yes, similar can be done with a kvantum theme. BUT. Good luck finding one that does what you want. So umm…
I guess you’ll have to make one for yourself AND adjust the krusaderrc as well. And don’t forget, if you run krusader in kvantum and all the rest in, say, default breeze, it’ll always be different once you change the colorscheme of your desktop. That’s why, me personally, made my own colorschemes and the kvantum theme that matches it since there are some applications I run in kvantum, not lightly.
Here’s an example of krusader in qt override kvantum.

Thanks for that. Will keep that in mind. Keep up the great work :wink:

Here’s what I mean. Browser, image viewers and media players I always keep in a dark mode, regardless if my desktop is set to dark or light. For those ( like audacious) I use a custom, matching ( with gtk as well), kvantum theme.
Gwenview is an example that needs still another tweak, both kvantum and colorscheme in the config file. It all depends what you’re looking for. And some…well, ain’t worth the hussle so to speak.

Hi! Thank you so much for taking the time to explain and demonstrate the configuration you set up. I didn’t quite understand the part about “Lightly.”

Regardless, all the information you provided gave me several ideas on how to set up those configurations myself. However, there are three things that aren’t working correctly:

  • I couldn’t make the background of the current element transparent. Even when I set it to very low opacity (say, 254 out of 255), it becomes completely transparent, and nothing is visible.
  • As you can see in the video (, every time I reopen Krusader, I have to reactivate the color scheme. I’m not sure why this is happening.
  • Lastly, I couldn’t find a way to get rid of the blue outline on the status bars.

I’m sharing my current configuration and the modifications I made in case they are of any help:
Theme: Gently
Plasma Style: Black glass
Color scheme: Modified from Black glass
kvantum: A heavy modified version of Future-dark
Window decoration: Glassy

Krusader tweaks (krusaderrc):

Alternate Background=56,56,56,0
Current Background=1,129,48
Current Foreground=0,0,0
Executable Foreground=0,117,227
KDE Default=false
Marked Background=Background
Marked Current Foreground=Marked Foreground
Marked Foreground=255,0,0
Statusbar Background Active=1,129,48,100
Statusbar Background Inactive=
Statusbar Foreground Active=0,0,0

Color scheme (custom.colors):



Lightly. As in Lightly application style. Like I said, the krusaderrc completely depends on the user’s settings in accordance with the color scheme. If you use a kvantum theme it gets messier overall. Because you need to adapt the svg and the kvconfig. I only use kvantum for “straightforward” apps, none that have inbuilt color schemes and what not, like krusader. If I run krusader, it runs in lightly and the only mods that are done are just some color tweaks that don’t intervene with the overall lightly stuff but are not “available” by using lightly and the color scheme. If that makes any sense.

Like I said, krusader and kvantum can be veeery tricky. I don’t run krusader in kvantum. But if you want to achieve a certain level of transparency, you can also use lightly. If you have a certain colorscheme, you could start fiddling a bit with the settings. For example, this isn’t kvantum but lightly with various settings in the colorscheme:

Now. If you ONLY want krusader with that given colorscheme, but NOT the rest of your desktop, you can. In that case you need to copy the colorscheme you want for krusader in the krusaderrc.
For example, krusader with a given color and the rest of the desktop with yet another:

I can’t notice the difference of color schemes in the last picture.
Anyways, now I understand what you mean with Lightly. It is a KDE Theme. I didn’t test it but I found it.
Another user recommends Klassy instead. I will try the combination when I have some more time to spare into this.
Right now I’m satisfied with the current results. The only thing I couldn’t resolve yet is having to change the color scheme with krusader already opened for it to accept the settings and show it fully transparent.

Thank you very much for your time spend in explaining it!
Have a wonderful day!

The list view in dolphin isn’t transparent due to another color scheme being used. Lightly isn’t a theme, it’s an application. Klassy doesn’t have as many options. I use the klassy window decoration though.All the rest is explained.

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