I have Krusader installed on a Debian 10/11 machine without any issues, but, if I install Krusader on Fedora 35/36/37 it does not have any file type associations. Which means whenever I double click, or press enter, on a file it brings up the dialog window where I am supposed to be able to select a program to use for the file type I am opening. This window does not display any programs, which is still ok (but not normal) I can point it to the program in /usr/bin to use, the problem then continues in that Krusader does not save this (yes I do select the checkbox for it to remember).
I have also tried right clicking on a file and selecting Properties, from there I select the Change button next to Open With, but the same happens here, my selection does not stick.
If I launch Krusader from cli I get the following output on the cli window when I double click a file (when the dialog opens where I should select the program to use), “15:08:53.325-warning kf.service.services unknown@0 # KServiceFactory: unexpected object entry in KSycoca database (type= 305 )”.
I am almost certain this is because of a missing dependency but I cannot figure out what dependency it is. Can anyone help with this?