For all directories? Is there anything special about the filesystem?
Do you have the same problem when opening the same directories in Dolphin?
Is there any suspicious output when starting Krusader with debug output (krusader --debug)?
Yes, it’s same for all directories, but once mount point loaded navigating folders is quick. There is nothing special about the file system, just ext4, same on both PC’s.
No problems with either Dolphin or Double Commander.
I did check starting Krusader with debug output on both PC’s and both have similar outputs, with output stopping for 30 seconds whilst Krusader loads on PC2.
I have the same problem.
And after I “discovered” a trick (@abikadorov mentioned above), it (seems) to be better, but Krusader still, randomly be slow when switching tabs or changing locations.
I have tested with a live distro, run KDE 5.x, and have no problems with Krusader.
I’m happy to report Krusader is now working normally.
I have done nothing specific to fix the issue. . .all that’s happened is I’ve run an update, something there must have been updated and fixed the error.
Actually, I don’t think that’s true. . .I was using Krusader yesterday at ~5pm and it was slow. The last update I did was yesterday at ~4pm, so this can’t be related to the fix.
So, I have no idea why Krusader is suddenly back to normal today when seemingly nothing has changed.
I have just done another update, and my Krusader is still working.
I have just noticed something that may (or may not be) related.
Around the time Krusader stopped working normally, I had to update Conky as no details were showing due to the ethernet name changing from ‘enp2s0’ to ‘enp3s0’ - seen when running ‘ip a’, but confusingly in System Settings it was still showing as ‘enp2s0’. Why??
This has now reverted back to ‘enp2s0’ and Krusader is working, but I can’t be sure if this is related as I don’t know if the behaviour of Krusader changed at the same time as the ethernet name changed.
In my case, I think I found out the cause, it may relate to bluetooth.
When problem occurs, I disconnect wireless keyboard and mouse and use buitin laptop keyboard/touchpad (or disconnect and reconnect keyboard and mouse via bluetooth) Kursader runs normal again.
Here is my (amateur) method, and you could try it (or you could find better way).
In my case when problem occurs, even if I reopen krusader it does not go away, so I can reopen it with strace (I’m not familiar with this program though).
install strace
strace krusader
And make a video records what the output is.
Because, when problem occurs, krusader is hanged for a moment, and strace shows what krusader tries to do at that moment.
And in my case, it likely tries to read bluetooth device.
It’s happened again. . .the only action I did was to update some flatpak packages.
Although I’m unsure how this can affect Krusader as that’s not a flatpak app.
I don’t have flatpak installed on my other PC, and I have no issues on that one (nor does my friends PC which also doesn’t have flatpak installed).
I then remembered some message at boot to do with usb5, so I rebooted to check and this was it:
usb usb5-port1: connect-debounce failed
usb5 happens to be a usb3 pci expansion card into which I had a smart meter display plugged in. . .as soon as I unplugged this Krusader was back working normally.
I plugged my phone in using the same usb port and no issues with Krusader, so it appears to be the specific unit that is causing the issue.
Plugging this unit into a different usb port and the Krusader issue returns, proving it’s the unit and not my PC that’s at fault.