Kup integration into Dolphin menu

I remember that in Gnome + Deja Dup you can use context menu in File Manager to quickly restore file. Would be nice to have such feature in KDE + Kup as well.
I guess nobody was able to make custom context menu b/c kup-filedigger does not support appropriate parameters (like path to file/dir for restore).


it also has “Restore missing files” for directory, but “new user can upload only 1 image” so search for “ubuntu deja dup restore file” in internet.


Could you test kup from my copr? It is a git snapshot that builds against qt6. I remember putting some files in kservices6 directory.

I do not use RPM-based distro, but I unpacked your rpm file and it has less files than Debian DEB file (and it does not have kservices6).

$ tree kup-0.9.1-1.20240203gitfe60786.fc40.x86_64 | grep -i service
        │   └── services
        │       ├── kupdaemonservice.operations
        │       └── kupservice.operations
$ dpkg -L kup-backup |grep -i service

Anyway, this is not what I am talking about.
For example, those files have “kcmshell5 kcm_kup” which open KDE system settings with kup integration.

While i am talking about file manager integration - so you can click on file and restore it.

Hot damn, I wish we had this functionality. Really super good.

“Restore missing files” screenshot:

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