Hi there, hope this is the right place to talk about this. I’ve noticed that whenever I alt-tab and hold it so that the thumbnail preview comes up my journal gets spammed by kwin_wayland with this error:
The actual alt-tab function works perfectly fine, it’s just the log is spammed by this.
I tested the different modes of alt-tab, all of them caused this issue except for “Compact”
My plasma renderer settings are
Rendering Backend: open GL
Render Loop: automatic
GL Core Profile Force: false
System specs are:
OS: Arch
Display server: wayland
Kernel: 6.11.5-zen1-1-zen
Plasma/kwin version 6.2.2
GPU gtx 1070, nvidia-dkms 560.35.03
Are there any known fixes? Or any ideas what i can try to resolve the issue or at least stop the error being spammed?
Hi - Not a solution for the core GPU driver issue, but if you know that you’re not looking for anything related to kwin_wayland when looking through the journal, you could use journalctl --exclude-identifier=kwin_wayland to filter that out from the view.