I’m occasionally forced to use Windows instead of KDE Neon, so I wanted to “port” a couple of my habits to Windows. One of them is KWrite.
Now, I know that Kate and KWrite share the same code base, and KWrite is essentially a subset of Kate.
But with this in mind, I don’t quite understand why Kate is cross-platform and KWrite isn’t?
I checked Build It - Kate and Get Involved/development/Windows - KDE Community Wiki but I don’t quite understand how I can build KWrite only for Windows. Building from source would also kinda be a last resort because I’d have to rebuild for every release. But if there’s no other way, I’d take it.
I have the same wish. kate is too much , i need a simple editor to replace notepad and kwrite seem very good. Unfortunately there is not ported on win and building from source is beyond my capabilities
I’ve asked the team in the KDE Windows Matrix room (https://go.kde.org/matrix/#/#kde-windows:kde.org) to see if anyone is interested in adding this. It’s likely just nobody has asked for it yet or those that have Windows packaging knowledge haven’t had time to test, package and upload it to the store.
In the interim, what @esari said is correct, Kate can be made to look like KWrite just by stripping down the extras.