Labplot & LaTeX Environment on MacOS

Hi there,

I’m using Labplot Version 2.11.1 on MacOS 14.4.1 with TeXLive 1.54.

I can’t get the LaTeX environment in Labplot running and can’t find any documentation.
Under ‘preferences → Worksheet → LaTeX’ I can’t choose a typesetting engine as it is grayed out with a “cloud exclamation mark” symbol.

any hints or tips are appreciated, thank you!

Probably the executable cannot be found in $PATH. Can you please check if you can execute latex or pdflatex, etc. in the terminal from an arbitrary location? If not, then you need to add it to PATH. Something like macos - Proper way of adding TeXlive to PATH - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange would do the job, adjust the path to your version of TeXLive accordingly.

Thank you for the fast answer!

I can execute pdflatex and latex properly in the terminal. Also ‘which latex/pdlatex’ returns the correct paths.

I now additionally exported the path in .zshrc and .bash_profile just in case, as I don’t know which shell Labplot executes.

However nothing changed. Labplot doesn’t “find a LaTeX installation”.

I’ll try to reproduce this problem on macOS now. Did you install it via the pkg file from MacTeX - TeX Users Group?

Yes, I certainly installed the pkg from there. Thanks for trying it out.

sorry, it took some time to re-setup everything on my macbook. I think I can reproduce the problem. Can you please confirm latex is properly found if you start LabPlot in the terminal via /Applications/ ?

No worries, thank you for looking into it!
Yes, it finds the LaTeX environments when starting it via the console. That’s a fine workaround for me!

I spent some more time looking into this problem. Seems to be an “known problem” (link1, link2)… The solution is set the paths via launchctl to make all applications started from Finder/Spotlight use them. For example, to add the TeXLive installation in /Library/ and the applications managed via macports, execute the following:

sudo launchctl setenv PATH /Library/TeX/texbin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin