Lock on turning Screen Off

In Cinnamon, I was able to set a screen corner to a command:

xset dpms force off

and add a xxx millisecond display (usually, I set it to 500), and with this, I could drag my mouse down to the left hand corner of the screen and the lights would go out. Then, if I touched a key or moved my mouse, the lights would come back on and I would be presented with the lock screen asking for my password.

  1. It appears that KDE doesn’t support custom commands with Screen Corners.
  2. It appears that KDE doesn’t support Turn Off Screen with Screen Corners.
  3. KDE does support Lock Screen with screen corners, but that doesn’t turn the display off.
  4. KDE does support Turn Off Screen for Shortcuts, so I can associate it with F4 and suchlike, but that doesn’t result in Locking the screen.

Is there a solution that will mimic what Cinnamon allows - Screen Corner that blanks the display waiting for a keypress or other action and requiring a password to get back in?

I did simulate it by clicking Configure Appearance… in Screen Locking and setting the Wallpaper type to Plain Color (Black) and turning off Clock and Show under unlocking prompt. Which at least looks similar, but the monitor isn’t turned off.

Figured out a solution:

Screen Edges->Lower Left->Lock Screen
Power Management->On AC Power, etc->Display and Brightness->Turn off Screen: When locked: Immediately

Wow, that was easy (not - took a lot of searching). But, at least it’s logical to some extent.