Looking for a gold Theme

I am looking for a theme I have seen in a video from the KDE Community Youtube channel, this video at 1:16:


Screenshot of this theme:

The taskbar, the colors and the icons are just awesome!

Where to find it?

Ooh…I dunno. You mean something like…

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Yeah, that…

…would be something like Carboniferous
The icons I dunno.

Thank you @dzon for your help!

This is all I could do with Carboniferous and others appearance extensions.

Well, things are done the regular way. The colorscheme goes in ~/.local/color-schemes. The gtk theme goes in ~/.themes and the konsole part in ~/.local/share/konsole. For the icons you’ll need one that adapts to the color scheme ( breeze, breeze chameleon RC etc…some). If you want the wondow decoration to match you’ll need something like breeze, lightly,klassy etc…You can’t use some fixed aurorae theme. Same goes for your plasma theme. You’ll need one that adapts to the color-scheme OR one that doesn’t contain it’s own color settings. You’d need to check the theme in ~/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/. As for the browser, firefox pretty much doesn’t give a r…'S a… about gtk, so you’d need to find either that theme for firefox OR install the firefox color addon OR fiddle with the userChrome.css. Since you use chromium (-based) ones, you’d need to set them to use qt instead of gtk for the best match. That is, unless the gtk has a specific chromium line or two.

Like so:

As for the gtk apps, you can either set them to use Carniferous as default OR launch application specific using the Exec=env GTK_THEME=Carboniferous-Gold whatever
Like so ( example: Catfish):

Thank you @dzon for your explanations. Everything seems clearer now.
You have to choose icons or window decorations that fit the color scheme.

For the window decoration I selected Lighty and unchecked the Lightly option “Draw titlebar background gradient”. I could also edit the Carboniferous-gold color scheme.
But I could not find a plasma theme that adapts to the color scheme, the font colors are good but not the taskbar background color. There is no category like “Adapts to the color scheme” in the KDE Store|Plasma Themes


And the icons color are black in LibreOffice or in the Global Menu, which is not adapted to the general view background color but I couldn’t find any solution to get them gold by editing the colors scheme.

I got pretty close to the original screenshot, though. :grinning:

Myeah…that store is a mess. But um…Breeze no panel shadow, Utterly round, Peace…etc are plasma themes that adapt. In either case, you could always edit one that adapts and make more changes to the svg’s in the theme with Inkscape. You’ll find that stuff in ~/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/theme/widgets/ (panel background) and ~/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/theme/dialogs/ ( menu).
Try this one, for example. Adapts with no transparency in the panel. Very simple theme.https://store.kde.org/p/1178558/

That’s crazy all we can do by default with Plasma.

I could change also the default icons of my taskbar apps just by right clicking on the app and then “Edit application” and change the icon.
Unfortunately this does not work for flatpak apps, I get the error:

Could not save properties due to insufficient write access to:

So I get one blue icon not with the color scheme dominant color.

I also tried to modify the Brave svg icon with Inkscape, but unfortunately it’s not with dominant color scheme but with grey light color, whereas the icons is a little bit transparent.

Is there any forum where we can find help to create an icon with plasma color scheme?

How to deal with the write access issue of flatpak apps to change the icon? Unfortunately, Joplin has no deb package and I use it every day.


Did you mean something along this

Exactly the doc I needed, thank you @artytux!

Found he icons step at this page:

Quite strange, I didn’t find this doc by a google search with keywords “kde plasma icons with user accent color”, there is no results to the subdomain https://develop.kde.org
Is it well referenced by Google?

I could find icons for Brave, Chrome, Chromium, Thunderbird, Emacs, Gimp, Inkscape, Joplin and Kate with the same style and change the accent color:

I just did a copy paste of what found on the doc and it’s done!

I don’t understand why Dolphin do not apply the accent color and it looks dark because I think it applies the css color


Is it normal? Anything to do on my part to make the accent color work in Dolphin as well?

To create a full Global Theme all icons should adapted to accent colors but I feel like there is hundred!

Close to perfect! :grinning:

Not sure why you want the icons in the icon folder. Anywho, I think you could’ve saved some time by running the icons through gimp or inkscape and use those for the applications ( edit applications>icons).

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Not long month or two after DuckDuckGo arrived on the radar I stopped using Google and have used DDG since, not bad for Linux searches takes it a while to get used to your searches sometimes you have to gently steer DDG in the area of the search in small steps, but it does OK,
Typed in = create an icon with plasma color scheme at DuckDuckGo
Result is = create an icon with plasma color scheme at DuckDuckGo
Are you familiar with the top menu > file > print > use the destination > save to PDF ,
TIP change the name to a name to easy search (EG = Icons -themes ) tack that on at the start of saving pdf
Hope it helps.

@dzon Idea is :100: Thanks dzon.