So KDE connect can already simulate mouse and keyboard input, why not add the functionality to simulate game controller input as well so that your phone can act as a wireless game controller?
Hmm, I would have never thought of that - what type of control input would you emulate on a phone? Like a virtual controller display showing typical modern controller inputs (analog stick touch zones, A/B/X/Y/L/R, etc.), or did you have something else in mind?
Exactly like that. Maybe also with gyro input like DS and Xbox controller now that I think of it.
I think it could be configurable, so user could drag button/touchpad/analog onto given place on screen.
Its a nice idea , we already have a touch input option which can serve as a base for this gamepad layout in it
but won’t the latency be an issue ? beacuse if Network is 2.4Ghz Wifi and you are far away from router their is slight delay in input on phone and response on Plasma
True - I would indeed think latency would be noticeable, but I’d also be surprised if folks would use such a setup for the sorts of gameplay that would be impacted by controller latency. Theoretically, most games like that would also be very challenging to play with a touchscreen that’s simulating a physical controller layout.