This is a really minor idea, but I’ve noticed that there isn’t much feedback for network scanning when you open the Networks icon on the System Tray. There is technically a little wifi icon in the top left corner of the applet, right beside the switch to enable or disable wifi, which will play a loading animation while scanning for networks. However, I feel this isn’t very well communicated to the user, which could potentially lead to confusion over whether the system is actually scanning for networks or not. Therefore, it could be improved if the icon was made larger and moved to the center or bottom of the applet. Or perhaps just the loading animation could be taken. Just something to give more visual feedback on the scanning of networks.
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Hi - just for your reference, there is an open feature request in the KDE Bugtracking System for a visual network scanning indicator: 390607 – The Networks widget should show a visual indicator when it is actively searching for networks
I actually don’t see any visual indicator of scanning in that particular widget - it sounds like you do see a small one, though? Are you able to grab a screenshot of that by chance?
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