Hi, I’ve been making a project in Kdenlive for about a few weeks now and when I tried to load my project again after a while most of my clips have been replaced with white text that says “INVALID”. The only two clips that haven’t been replaced are png files.
I’m using Kdenlive 24.05.02 on Windows 11.
Hi, and welcome to the community and forum.
Do you know what has changed between the last time you worked on the project and now? Was there an update of Win11? Did you install or uninstall software?
INVALID usually means that Kdenlive cannot make any sense of the offending files mostly due to missing codecs.
Edit: I suggest you try the standalone version of Kdenlive.
I tried the standalone version and when opening it for the first time I got these errors:
• Missing app: mediainfo
optional for technical clip information
• Missing package: AVFilter
provides many effects. Install recommended
• Missing MLT module: avformat (FFmpeg)
required for audio/video
The solution was to downgrade to an older version of Kdenlive, 23.08.5
Ah! Windows. Failed dependencies problem. Can you file a bug report please?: