[Available until the end of 2024] Mouse gestures support on Plasma 6 Wayland

When I switched from KDE (X) to Hyprland(Wayland), it was exactly the feature I missed the most. So far I have actually only found a partial solution that works smoothly and that is a (Python) application called mouse-swipe. It is written very clearly, clearly, minimally and comprehensibly, but it only supports the detection of horizontal and vertical mouse movements, which triggers self-defined keybindings, i.e. only up, down, right and left, which works well for me as a stopgap solution. I wrote to the developer asking if he would also implement diagonal mouse movements, but unfortunately he doesn’t have the time but is open to suggestions that he would merge. Here is the Github page: GitHub - tcorreabr/mouse-swipe: Swipe gestures support for mouse buttons

It’s actually only necessary to adapt the FUNCTION: async def task_handle_mouse_events(mouse) in the main.py file, but since I don’t know much about Python, I wasn’t able to add the recognition of dialog movements. Maybe one of you knows and can do something about it. In any case, it is a good approach that works very well and smoothly at this stage, in contrast to 2-3 alternatives that I have tried. Another interesting alternative, which unfortunately is practically unusable because it hijacks the right mouse button, especially in Wayland, and the context menu is lost as a result (until you close the application) is the mouse-actions-gui or mouse-actions (cli version). As I said, the developers have the problem here that the right mouse button function on the desktop is not reset after executing the mouse swipe. Maybe someone can take a look at it too: GitHub - jersou/mouse-actions: mouse-actions execute some command from mouse events such as clicks/wheel on the side/corners of the screen, or drawing shapes. It's a mix between Easystroke and Compiz edge commands.

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