This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
The images aren’t being rendered.
Open the link to have them.
They don’t get through on either.
Interesting… and complicated, it must take a lot of work to design (pun unintended) this stuff, not to mention implementing it…
Hopefully easier maintenance of styles will also result in fixing my beloved Oxygen.
They seem to work properly now.
@Drogoslaw, not for me, still. Do they still, for you? Would be weird if they work for you, but not @meven and I.
@Drogoslaw, do know whether you by any chance have an IPv6 connection? I don’t, and if the CDN isn’t serving IPv4 addresses, perhaps that’s it. If you don’t either, I’ll stop pestering you and file this formally somewhere when I have the chance. Thanks.

@Drogoslaw, do know whether you by any chance have an IPv6 connection?
I don’t, I have IPv4.