Multiple breeeze entries showing up

Hi, I’ve recently started using kde as it gives much more control and customization options.
But when i was trying to install new themes but failed to install.
after installing 4 or them 2 got installed but after that they appeared in multiple entries and my nordic darker theme which was already applied wasn’t working properly so i delete those two themes but now the entries got replaced with breeze entries and there isn’t a option to delete or reinstall them.
I also tried reinstalling nordic theme but it still won’t work properly.

This looks like the themes you have downloaded may have been made incorrectly, can you go to the folder they are installed under and share what the file metadata.json file shows

I have already tried deleting all of them from dekstopthemes folder
and after reinstalling nordic themes won’t work
looks like my whole destop theme is broken

Is there a way to reconfigure or reinstall the themes

What version of Plasma are you using?
The easiest way to re-install is to extract them and place under the right directories IMO (Lets you know exactly what you are installing) however you should be able to install through the discover or the options in settings to add more