My Okular settings are messed up (menus are broken, details probably not important to describe).
I tried purging the package and reinstalling,
tried clearing okular files from “~/.config”,
got no relevant output opening from terminal,
saw nothing in man page bout getting more feedback…?
What do?
I couldn’t find anything on the man page about, like, a flag to get it to tell you what files it’s reading when it starts up or anything like that?
the only output I get when I open it from the commandline is:
Unable to open QuickAnnotatingTools XML definition
kf.xmlgui: Shortcut for action “mainToolBar” “Show Toolbar” set with QAction::setShortcut()! Use KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcut(s) instead.
Oh, I just used sleep 1;scrot -u from yakuake then lowered it quickly cuz… that’s what I knew offhand how to do.
(I know there’s screenshot functionality built in to plasma that I should look into learning about, but… just haven’t gotten around to it yet.)
I’m on “Tuxedo OS 3” (ie, yet another ubuntu derivative),
but this problem has been with me for ages and I’ve just finally worked up the energy to try to fix it
(so like, I know it followed me from OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, and I’m sure before that too…)
It also followed me when I upgraded from Tuxedo OS 2 to 3 (and thus from plasma 5.27 to 6.1
[ details on that:
An error occurred: You’re replying a bit too quickly. Please wait 17 seconds before trying again.
I guess I’ll just… do this for now:      
I suspect there’s some packaging issue with XmlGui, the library that actually manages showing the menu and toolbar, since it’s the default menus that are missing (File with its main options, Settings, Help).
Is it possible you don’t have libkf6xmlgui6 and libkf6xmlgui-data installed?
Does this happen in other apps, like Kate or Dolphin (after enabling the menubar with Ctrl+M)?
Do you have stuff in /usr/share/kxmlgui5 and ~/.local/share/kxmlgui5?
Edit: Only now saw that Herzenschein wrote something similar 5 minutes prior.
Just to make sure, did you delete both ~/.config/okularpartrc as well as ~/.config/okularrc?
The errors you are describing seem to me like the kxmlgui framework isn’t initialised correctly, so it tripping up over e.g. a malformed ~/.config/okularpartrc would make sense to me.
You might also want to try deleting the contents of ~/.local/share/kxmlgui/okular/.
Oh, also just tried mv ~/.local/share/okular/ ~/.local/share/okular.bakand removing any okular stuff from ~/.config, still no effect.
ie, when I remove the directory ~/.local/share/okular/
and any okular files from ~/.config/ (in practice, that is only the file okularrc)
and then start okular,
the problem is still there,
and that directory and file just regenerate themselves