New (to me) error while building kwidgetsaddons in Plasma 6 kde-builder

Hi all,

After a long hiatus, I have returned to working on KDE. Last time I did any work, it was still Plasma 5.

I started from a completely new KDE Neon build, and installed the kde-builder tools as detailed in the “Getting Involved” web pages.

After a bunch of dependency resolution work, I’m able to start compiling, and am using kcalc as the example.

Building kcalc fails at the second step…building kwidgetsaddons. This fails with an error I haven’t seen before. The last few lines of the error log are…

(bindings) [3136ms] Fixed class inheritance. [WARNING]

(bindings) [3249ms] Checked for inconsistencies in class model. [OK]

qt.shiboken: (bindings) /home/phands/kde/src/kwidgetsaddons/python/bindings.xml:44: type ‘CustomEditor’ is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.

(bindings) [3273ms] Checked for inconsistencies in typesystem (4967). [WARNING]

(bindings) [3273ms] Checked for inconsistencies in function modifications. [OK]

(bindings) [3285ms] Wrote log files. [OK]

qt.shiboken: (bindings) ~FileOut file /home/phands/kde/build/kwidgetsaddons/python/KWidgetsAddons/ktoggleaction_wrapper.cpp not written.

shiboken error: Internal Error: Class “QObject” for “KToggleAction::KToggleAction(QObject *parent)” not found!

ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

I don’t know where to start with that…any suggestions? Thanks in advance,


This looks like an issue with the recently added python bindings. You could try to disable building them for now (add -DBUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS=OFF in the kde-builder config).

I’m not sure if this is a KDE Neon issue or a general bug in the python bindings of kwidgetsaddons

Thanks, jbb.

Dumb question, but how and where do I add

Thanks again.

I would think in the file kde-builder possibly with a .rc on the end like some seem to be named. Open the file once found and put the DBUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS=OFF on a line by itself. Since you are setting an environment variable using export -DBUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS=OFF in the shell by typing it in and hitting the enter key will set it. Then when you compile it will be picked up and should do the same as the edit to the file does. A good way to test it will do what you want before making permanent change to the build configuration file.