Night color does not preserve the changes made in Nvidia X server settings

When switching to night color in kde, the changes made from Nvidia x server settings are not preserved. I just changed the brightness value and saved. I want to preserve the brightness value and have the night color on, how to fix that?
Im on kde plasma 5.27.5, nvidia 4060 ti, 550 drv.

Hi! For folks to be able to best help you, could you please provide your basic system information from the Info Center app?

There have been several bugs identified with Night Light + NVIDIA drivers over the past couple of years - the first one listed below seems to be the most potentially relevant to your situation:

Most of those bugs appear to have been fixed in recent, supported versions of KDE Plasma 6. Are you able to update to a more current version of Plasma?

Thanks, i see now. I though, that i looked at the bugs, but didnt find the known issues. Im on Debian stable - MX Linux, so i cant switch to kde 6 yet.