Notification Badge on Taskbar Programs

I’m not sure how to call the feature i’m looking for. I’m Using Plasma 6.1 for about two months now and everything is really nice! But somehow I just realized today, that apps on the taskbar don’t show notifications. I don
t mean the popups on the bottom right corner (these work), but like these litte badges with a number (i searched the web and found that plasma does not have this). But the icons also don’t change color, blink or something like that. Is there something I can do to get feedback of that kind? For example if i get an email or Message that the icon of the program which received it, gives some kind of visual feedback?

greetings Polle

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It should be an option in the settings:

I am not sure if your icon or Plasma theming affects this or not.

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For reference of what that setting looks like in practice:


The catch on this topic is that each application has to specifically support showing a counter on its task manager icon, not just support showing system notifications. An open feature request and discussion about making that easier for app developers can be checked out here: 367086 – Expose Notification badges via a nice framework API to allow apps to easily adopt it

@claydoh Just found it, the option is even switched on. Iam using the default Plasma Breeze twilight global theme. Unfortunately i cannot judge whether kubuntu is doing something wierd in this case.

@johnandmegh Oh thanks for the insight! Can you tell me the name of a Program which has this implemented. Perhaps I just tried ones, that don’t have that (gajim, dino, thunderbird)

I get the badges on kmail and neochat, for example.

I think the protocol is something that Canonical originally invented for Ubuntu’s previous Unity desktop, but by now Plasma may be the only desktop that still uses it.

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neochat does have these badges! Looks like just none of the programs i use, have them. :frowning:

The Badges are a nice bonus, but actually the blinking or some kind of visual feedback on the icon would be nice.

The Badges are a nice bonus, but actually the blinking or some kind of visual feedback on the icon would be nice.

If a window sets the request attention flag, it’ll be highlighted in the task bar. But again, this is something the app needs to opt into (unless it’s a case where Plasma knows that attention is required, e.g. the app opened a new window but focus-stealing prevention is preventing it from taking over focus).

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I dug a little bit deeper into this. It can also be dependent of the packet. I mostly use Flatpaks, but for some other reason I installed the snap package of Skype next to the flatpak version and realized that the snap version has a blinking taskbar but the flatpak version doesn’t. Perhaps there is some setting that needs to be set via flatseal (I did not see one at a first look).