the problem is that the error is floating, yes, starting the video through a black screen (this is the best option), not the best is jerky video images and the worst option is the monitor going to sleep.
After updating the driver, quite a lot of time has passed since the 1st update. Later than - 560.35.03-5
extra/nvidia 565.77-12
extra/nvidia-lts 1:565.77-11
extra/nvidia-utils 565.77-3
Where to write with an error to get through? I don’t understand.
The problem also occurs when taking a “screenshot - rectangular area”, BUT NOW, the area is taken normally.
But I found information in the log, it seems:
I thought there was some separate log, but no.
This was probably when the monitor went to sleep or turned off from video.
26 01:18:30 com1 systemd[1026]: Started Haruna.
26 01:18:30 com1 systemd-coredump[31381]: Process 31371 (baloo_file_extr) of user 1000 dumped core.
Stack trace of thread 31371:
#0 0x000076959439464d n/a ( + 0x18564d)
#1 0x00007695958a35ce n/a ( + 0x215ce)
#2 0x0000769595899c2c _ZN5Baloo9PostingDB3getERK10QByteArray ( + 0x17c2c)
#3 0x00007695958a8bdc _ZN5Baloo16WriteTransaction6commitEv ( + 0x26bdc)
#4 0x000076959589ea24 _ZN5Baloo11Transaction6commitEv ( + 0x1ca24)
#5 0x00005e837342adcd n/a (baloo_file_extractor + 0x13dcd)
#6 0x00007695949b2229 n/a ( + 0x1b2229)
#7 0x00007695949ba1a4 n/a ( + 0x1ba1a4)
#8 0x00007695949a3439 _ZN7QObject5eventEP6QEvent ( + 0x1a3439)
#9 0x00007695949585a8 _ZN16QCoreApplication15notifyInternal2EP7QObjectP6QEvent ( + 0x1585a8)
#10 0x0000769594ad5d1f _ZN14QTimerInfoList14activateTimersEv ( + 0x2d5d1f)
#11 0x0000769594bc23c1 n/a ( + 0x3c23c1)
#12 0x0000769593e0e559 n/a ( + 0x5d559)
#13 0x0000769593e71157 n/a ( + 0xc0157)
#14 0x0000769593e0da55 g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x5ca55)
#15 0x0000769594bbf71d _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x3bf71d)
#16 0x0000769594964566 _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x164566)
#17 0x0000769594959a2f _ZN16QCoreApplication4execEv ( + 0x159a2f)
#18 0x00005e837341f408 n/a (baloo_file_extractor + 0x8408)
#19 0x0000769594234e08 n/a ( + 0x25e08)
#20 0x0000769594234ecc __libc_start_main ( + 0x25ecc)
#21 0x00005e837341f525 n/a (baloo_file_extractor + 0x8525)
Stack trace of thread 31375:
#0 0x000076959431abb0 ppoll ( + 0x10bbb0)
#1 0x0000769593e71227 n/a ( + 0xc0227)
#2 0x0000769593e0da55 g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x5ca55)
#3 0x0000769594bbf71d _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x3bf71d)
#4 0x0000769594964566 _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x164566)
#5 0x0000769594a57072 _ZN7QThread4execEv ( + 0x257072)
#6 0x000076959418279e n/a ( + 0x2e79e)
#7 0x0000769594ad840f n/a ( + 0x2d840f)
#8 0x00007695942a339d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
#9 0x000076959432849c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
Stack trace of thread 31377:
#0 0x000076959431a63d __poll ( + 0x10b63d)
#1 0x0000769590b6e417 n/a ( + 0x5f417)
#2 0x0000769594ad840f n/a ( + 0x2d840f)
#3 0x00007695942a339d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
#4 0x000076959432849c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
Stack trace of thread 31376:
#0 0x000076959431a63d __poll ( + 0x10b63d)
#1 0x0000769590b6e417 n/a ( + 0x5f417)
#2 0x0000769594ad840f n/a ( + 0x2d840f)
#3 0x00007695942a339d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
#4 0x000076959432849c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64
26 01:18:30 com1 systemd[1]: systemd-coredump@281-31380-0.service: Deactivated successfully.
26 01:18:30 com1 baloo_file[1082]: kf.baloo: Extractor crashed
26 01:18:30 com1 rtkit-daemon[1127]: Successfully made thread 31440 of process 31382 owned by '1000' RT at priority 20.
26 01:18:30 com1 systemd[1]: systemd-coredump@281-31380-0.service: Consumed 169ms CPU time, 74M memory peak.
26 01:18:30 com1 rtkit-daemon[1127]: Supervising 10 threads of 7 processes of 1 users.
26 01:18:33 com1 kernel: ata8.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x1000080 SErr 0x0 action 0x0
26 01:18:33 com1 kernel: ata8.00: irq_stat 0x40000001
26 01:18:33 com1 kernel: ata8.00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED
26 01:18:33 com1 kernel: ata8.00: cmd 60/08:38:50:30:a2/00:00:23:00:00/40 tag 7 ncq dma 4096 in
res 41/40:00:50:30:a2/00:00:23:00:00/40 Emask 0x409 (media error) <F>
26 01:18:33 com1 kernel: ata8.00: status: { DRDY ERR }
26 01:18:33 com1 kernel: ata8.00: error: { UNC }
26 01:18:33 com1 kernel: ata8.00: configured for UDMA/133
This was yesterday when the screenshot wasn’t framed.
20:08:40 com1 kate[7919]: kate.time: QApplication initialized in 120 ms
20:08:41 com1 kded6[1216]: org.kde.plasma.appmenu: Got an error
20:08:41 com1 kded6[1216]: org.kde.plasma.appmenu: Got an error
20:08:41 com1 kate[7919]: libkate.time: -> katefiletreeplugin load in 9 ms
20:08:41 com1 kate[7919]: libkate.time: -> katesearchplugin load in 27 ms
20:08:41 com1 kate[7919]: libkate.time: -> kateprojectplugin load in 1 ms
20:08:41 com1 kate[7919]: libkate.time: -> externaltoolsplugin load in 12 ms
20:08:41 com1 kate[7919]: libkate.time: -> katekonsoleplugin load in 0 ms
20:08:41 com1 kate[7919]: libkate.time: -> lspclientplugin load in 3 ms
20:08:41 com1 kate[7919]: libkate.time: -> tabswitcherplugin load in 0 ms
20:08:41 com1 kate[7919]: libkate.time: -> textfilterplugin load in 0 ms
20:08:41 com1 kate[7919]: libkate.time: All plugins loaded in 55 ms
20:08:41 com1 kate[7919]: libkate.time: Created KateMainWindow in 193 ms
20:08:41 com1 kded6[1216]: org.kde.plasma.appmenu: Got an error
20:08:41 com1 kded6[1216]: org.kde.plasma.appmenu: Got an error
20:08:41 com1 kate[7919]: kate.time: KateApp initialized in 874 ms
20:08:43 com1 plasmashell[1230]: kf.kio.widgets.kdirmodel: No node found for item that was just removed: QUrl("desktop:/.PROGRAMS .txt.kate-swp")
20:08:45 com1 systemd[1033]: app-org.kde.kate@9aec5d6779f64dd5be90350b6fe78f94.service: Consumed 336ms CPU time, 79M memory peak.
20:09:19 com1 systemd[1033]: Starting Spectacle screenshot capture utility...
20:09:20 com1 spectacle[7977]: kpipewire_vaapi_logging: VAAPI: Failed to initialize display
20:09:20 com1 systemd[1033]: Started Spectacle screenshot capture utility.
20:09:20 com1 spectacle[7977]: kpipewire_vaapi_logging: VAAPI: Mesa Gallium driver 24.3.3-arch1.2 for AMD Radeon Graphics (radeonsi, raphael_mendocino, LLVM 19.1.6, DRM 3.54, 6.6.72-1-lts) in use for device "/dev/dri/renderD129"
20:09:31 com1 systemd[1033]: app-org.kde.spectacle.service: Consumed 404ms CPU time, 110.5M memory peak.
20:09:40 com1 systemd[1033]: Starting Spectacle screenshot capture utility...
20:09:40 com1 spectacle[8063]: kpipewire_vaapi_logging: VAAPI: Failed to initialize display
20:09:40 com1 systemd[1033]: Started Spectacle screenshot capture utility.
20:09:40 com1 spectacle[8063]: kpipewire_vaapi_logging: VAAPI: Mesa Gallium driver 24.3.3-arch1.2 for AMD Radeon Graphics (radeonsi, raphael_mendocino, LLVM 19.1.6, DRM 3.54, 6.6.72-1-lts) in use for device "/dev/dri/renderD129"
20:09:55 com1 systemd[1033]: app-org.kde.spectacle.service: Consumed 462ms CPU time, 93.8M memory peak.
20:10:20 com1 systemd[1033]: Starting Spectacle screenshot capture utility...
20:10:21 com1 spectacle[8171]: kpipewire_vaapi_logging: VAAPI: Failed to initialize display
20:10:21 com1 systemd[1033]: Started Spectacle screenshot capture utility.
20:10:21 com1 spectacle[8171]: kpipewire_vaapi_logging: VAAPI: Mesa Gallium driver 24.3.3-arch1.2 for AMD Radeon Graphics (radeonsi, raphael_mendocino, LLVM 19.1.6, DRM 3.54, 6.6.72-1-lts) in use for device "/dev/dri/renderD129"
20:10:33 com1 systemd[1033]: app-org.kde.spectacle.service: Consumed 576ms CPU time, 122.3M memory peak.
20:10:45 com1 systemd[1033]: Starting Spectacle screenshot capture utility...
20:10:45 com1 spectacle[8261]: kpipewire_vaapi_logging: VAAPI: Failed to initialize display
20:10:45 com1 systemd[1033]: Started Spectacle screenshot capture utility.
20:10:45 com1 spectacle[8261]: kpipewire_vaapi_logging: VAAPI: Mesa Gallium driver 24.3.3-arch1.2 for AMD Radeon Graphics (radeonsi, raphael_mendocino, LLVM 19.1.6, DRM 3.54, 6.6.72-1-lts) in use for device "/dev/dri/renderD129"
20:10:54 com1 kwin_wayland[1085]: kwin_core: Cannot grant a token to KWin::ClientConnection(0x5e4558eedf30)
20:10:54 com1 systemd[1033]: Started Dolphin.
20:10:54 com1 kded6[1216]: org.kde.plasma.appmenu: Got an error
20:10:54 com1 kded6[1216]: org.kde.plasma.appmenu: Got an error
20:10:54 com1 kded6[1216]: org.kde.plasma.appmenu: Got an error
20:10:54 com1 kded6[1216]: org.kde.plasma.appmenu: Got an error
20:11:02 com1 kwin_wayland[1085]: kwin_core: Cannot grant a token to KWin::ClientConnection(0x5e455c1a75f0)
20:11:02 com1 systemd[1033]: Started Gwenview - Приложение для просмотра изображений.
20:11:02 com1 kded6[1216]: org.kde.plasma.appmenu: Got an error
20:11:02 com1 kded6[1216]: org.kde.plasma.appmenu: Got an error
20:11:02 com1 gwenview[8403]: org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type "image/x-aptus-mos"
And this is today, when he takes screenshots with a frame and videos through a black screen.
21 00:36:36 com1 plasmashell[1233]: kf.kio.widgets.kdirmodel: No node found for item that was just removed: QUrl("desktop:/.PROGRAMS .txt.kate-swp")
21 00:36:38 com1 kwin_wayland[1085]: kwin_scene_opengl: 0x502: GL_INVALID_OPERATION error generated.
21 00:37:31 com1 polkitd[935]: Reloading rules
21 00:37:31 com1 polkitd[935]: Collecting garbage unconditionally...
21 00:37:31 com1 polkitd[935]: Loading rules from directory /etc/polkit-1/rules.d
21 00:37:31 com1 polkitd[935]: Loading rules from directory /run/polkit-1/rules.d
21 00:37:31 com1 polkitd[935]: Error opening rules directory: Error opening directory “/run/polkit-1/rules.d”: No such file or directory (g-file-error-quark, 4)
21 00:37:31 com1 polkitd[935]: Loading rules from directory /usr/local/share/polkit-1/rules.d
21 00:37:31 com1 polkitd[935]: Error opening rules directory: Error opening directory “/usr/local/share/polkit-1/rules.d”: No such file or directory (g-file-error-quark, 4)
21 00:37:31 com1 polkitd[935]: Loading rules from directory /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d
21 00:37:31 com1 polkitd[935]: Finished loading, compiling and executing 4 rules
21 00:37:39 com1 dbus-broker-launch[845]: Noticed file-system modification, trigger reload.
21 00:37:40 com1 systemd[1]: Reload requested from client PID 3587 ('systemctl') (unit user@1000.service)...
21 00:37:40 com1 systemd[1]: Reloading...
21 00:37:40 com1 systemd[1]: Reloading finished in 205 ms.
21 00:37:40 com1 systemd[1]: Reloading D-Bus System Message Bus...
21 00:37:40 com1 systemd[1]: Reloaded D-Bus System Message Bus.
21 00:37:40 com1 sudo[3558]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
21 00:37:42 com1 kded6[1219]: org.kde.colorcorrectlocationupdater: Geolocator stopped
21 00:37:51 com1 rtkit-daemon[1121]: Supervising 7 threads of 4 processes of 1 users.
21 00:37:51 com1 rtkit-daemon[1121]: Supervising 7 threads of 4 processes of 1 users.
21 00:37:58 com1 rtkit-daemon[1121]: Supervising 7 threads of 4 processes of 1 users.
21 00:37:58 com1 rtkit-daemon[1121]: Supervising 7 threads of 4 processes of 1 users.
21 00:38:18 com1 systemd[1]: Starting Cleanup of Temporary Directories...
21 00:38:18 com1 systemd[1]: systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service: Deactivated successfully.
21 00:38:18 com1 systemd[1]: Finished Cleanup of Temporary Directories.
21 00:38:31 com1 systemd[1036]: Starting Spectacle screenshot capture utility...
21 00:38:32 com1 spectacle[3834]: kpipewire_vaapi_logging: VAAPI: Failed to initialize display
21 00:38:32 com1 systemd[1036]: Started Spectacle screenshot capture utility.
21 00:38:32 com1 spectacle[3834]: kpipewire_vaapi_logging: VAAPI: Mesa Gallium driver 24.3.3-arch1.2 for AMD Radeon Graphics (radeonsi, raphael_mendocino, LLVM 19.1.6, DRM 3.54, 6.6.72-1-lts) in use for device "/dev/dri/renderD129"
21 00:38:35 com1 systemd[1036]: app-org.kde.spectacle.service: Consumed 546ms CPU time, 112.7M memory peak.
21 00:38:36 com1 systemd[1036]: Starting Spectacle screenshot capture utility...
21 00:38:36 com1 spectacle[3913]: kpipewire_vaapi_logging: VAAPI: Failed to initialize display
21 00:38:36 com1 systemd[1036]: Started Spectacle screenshot capture utility.
21 00:38:36 com1 spectacle[3913]: kpipewire_vaapi_logging: VAAPI: Mesa Gallium driver 24.3.3-arch1.2 for AMD Radeon Graphics (radeonsi, raphael_mendocino, LLVM 19.1.6, DRM 3.54, 6.6.72-1-lts) in use for device "/dev/dri/renderD129"
21 00:38:40 com1 kwin_wayland_wrapper[1085]: error in client communication (pid 3913)
21 00:38:40 com1 spectacle[3913]: [destroyed object]: error 1: xdg_wm_base was destroyed before children
21 00:38:40 com1 spectacle[3913]: Failed to write to the pipe: Неправильный дескриптор файла.
21 00:38:40 com1 systemd[1036]: app-org.kde.spectacle.service: Consumed 676ms CPU time, 94M memory peak.
21 00:38:43 com1 wireplumber[1142]: wp-event-dispatcher: <WpAsyncEventHook:0x594b29f04d80> failed: <WpSiStandardLink:0x594b29e7f4f0> link failed: 1 of 1 PipeWire links failed to activate
21 00:38:52 com1 systemd[1036]: Started Haruna - Media Player.
21 00:38:53 com1 kded6[1219]: org.kde.plasma.appmenu: Got an error
21 00:38:53 com1 kded6[1219]: org.kde.plasma.appmenu: Got an error
21 00:38:55 com1 rtkit-daemon[1121]: Successfully made thread 4050 of process 4009 owned by '1000' RT at priority 20.
21 00:38:55 com1 rtkit-daemon[1121]: Supervising 8 threads of 5 processes of 1 users.
21 00:39:05 com1 pipewire[1141]: pw.node: ( graph xrun not-triggered (0 suppressed)
21 00:39:05 com1 pipewire[1141]: pw.node: ( xrun state:0x743ef7f59008 pending:1/1 s:965466790108 a:965466910705 f:965466925956 waiting:120597 process:15251 status:triggered
21 00:39:21 com1 systemd[1036]: app-org.kde.haruna@88d65f12634145889055eb11ddb9311f.service: Consumed 2.650s CPU time, 272.6M memory peak.
21 01:01:51 com1 wireplumber[1148]: wp-event-dispatcher: <WpAsyncEventHook:0x61b409cb1690> failed: failed to activate item: Object activation aborted: proxy destroyed
21 01:03:50 com1 systemd[1042]: Starting Spectacle screenshot capture utility...
21 01:03:51 com1 spectacle[3772]: kpipewire_vaapi_logging: VAAPI: Failed to initialize display
21 01:03:51 com1 systemd[1042]: Started Spectacle screenshot capture utility.
21 01:03:51 com1 spectacle[3772]: kpipewire_vaapi_logging: VAAPI: Mesa Gallium driver 24.3.3-arch1.2 for AMD Radeon Graphics (radeonsi, raphael_mendocino, LLVM 19.1.6, DRM 3.54, 6.6.72-1-lts) in use for device "/dev/dri/renderD129"
21 01:03:57 com1 systemd[1042]: app-org.kde.spectacle.service: Consumed 726ms CPU time, 92.1M memory peak.
21 01:03:58 com1 systemd[1042]: Starting Spectacle screenshot capture utility...
21 01:03:58 com1 spectacle[3851]: kpipewire_vaapi_logging: VAAPI: Failed to initialize display
21 01:03:58 com1 systemd[1042]: Started Spectacle screenshot capture utility.
21 01:03:58 com1 spectacle[3851]: kpipewire_vaapi_logging: VAAPI: Mesa Gallium driver 24.3.3-arch1.2 for AMD Radeon Graphics (radeonsi, raphael_mendocino, LLVM 19.1.6, DRM 3.54, 6.6.72-1-lts) in use for device "/dev/dri/renderD129"
21 01:04:01 com1 systemd[1042]: app-org.kde.spectacle.service: Consumed 440ms CPU time, 105.5M memory peak.
21 01:06:45 com1 systemd[1042]: Started Kate.
21 01:06:45 com1 kate[4018]: kate.time: QApplication initialized in 73 ms
21 01:06:45 com1 kwin_wayland[1091]: kwin_core: Cannot grant a token to KWin::ClientConnection(0x648423c18650)
21 01:08:47 com1 wireplumber[1148]: wp-event-dispatcher: <WpAsyncEventHook:0x61b409cb1690> failed: failed to activate item: Object activation aborted: proxy destroyed
21 01:11:40 com1 kwin_wayland_wrapper[1091]: src/gbm_drv_common.c:131: GBM-DRV error (get_bytes_per_component): Unknown or not supported format: 875708738
21 01:11:40 com1 kwin_wayland_wrapper[1091]: src/gbm_drv_common.c:131: GBM-DRV error (get_bytes_per_component): Unknown or not supported format: 875708738
21 01:11:40 com1 kwin_wayland_wrapper[1091]: src/gbm_drv_common.c:131: GBM-DRV error (get_bytes_per_component): Unknown or not supported format: 875708738
21 01:11:40 com1 kwin_wayland_wrapper[1091]: src/gbm_drv_common.c:131: GBM-DRV error (get_bytes_per_component): Unknown or not supported format: 875708738
21 01:11:40 com1 kwin_wayland_wrapper[1091]: src/gbm_drv_common.c:131: GBM-DRV error (get_bytes_per_component): Unknown or not supported format: 875708754
21 01:11:40 com1 kwin_wayland_wrapper[1091]: src/gbm_drv_common.c:131: GBM-DRV error (get_bytes_per_component): Unknown or not supported format: 875708754
21 01:11:40 com1 kwin_wayland_wrapper[1091]: src/gbm_drv_common.c:131: GBM-DRV error (get_bytes_per_component): Unknown or not supported format: 875708754
21 01:11:40 com1 kwin_wayland_wrapper[1091]: src/gbm_drv_common.c:131: GBM-DRV error (get_bytes_per_component): Unknown or not supported format: 875708754
21 01:11:40 com1 kwin_wayland[1091]: kwin_scene_opengl: 0x502: GL_INVALID_OPERATION error generated.
21 01:24:43 com1 kwin_wayland[1091]: kwin_core: Cannot grant a token to KWin::ClientConnection(0x6484237af230)
21 01:26:21 com1 wireplumber[1148]: wp-event-dispatcher: <WpAsyncEventHook:0x61b409cb1690> failed: failed to activate item: Object activation aborted: proxy destroyed
21 01:26:39 com1 systemd[1042]: Started Konsole.
21 01:26:40 com1 kded6[1224]: org.kde.plasma.appmenu: Got an error
21 01:26:40 com1 kded6[1224]: org.kde.plasma.appmenu: Got an error
21 01:26:40 com1 kded6[1224]: org.kde.plasma.appmenu: Got an error
21 01:26:40 com1 kded6[1224]: org.kde.plasma.appmenu: Got an error
21 01:26:40 com1 systemd[1042]: Started app-org.kde.konsole-4607.scope.
21 01:27:54 com1 wireplumber[1148]: wp-event-dispatcher: <WpAsyncEventHook:0x61b409cb1690> failed: failed to activate item: Object activation aborted: proxy destroyed
21 01:27:59 com1 wireplumber[1148]: wp-event-dispatcher: <WpAsyncEventHook:0x61b409cb1690> failed: failed to activate item: Object activation aborted: proxy destroyed
21 01:28:06 com1 systemd[1042]: Starting Spectacle screenshot capture utility...
21 01:28:06 com1 spectacle[4678]: kpipewire_vaapi_logging: VAAPI: Failed to initialize display
21 01:28:06 com1 systemd[1042]: Started Spectacle screenshot capture utility.
21 01:28:06 com1 spectacle[4678]: kpipewire_vaapi_logging: VAAPI: Mesa Gallium driver 24.3.3-arch1.2 for AMD Radeon Graphics (radeonsi, raphael_mendocino, LLVM 19.1.6, DRM 3.54, 6.6.72-1-lts) in use for device "/dev/dri/renderD129"
21 01:28:09 com1 spectacle[4678]: kf.notifications: Audio notification requested, but no sound name provided in notifyrc file, aborting audio notification
21 01:28:10 com1 systemd[1042]: app-org.kde.spectacle.service: Consumed 568ms CPU time, 104.3M memory peak.
21 01:28:22 com1 systemd[1042]: Started Haruna - Media Player.
21 01:28:23 com1 kded6[1224]: org.kde.plasma.appmenu: Got an error
21 01:28:23 com1 kded6[1224]: org.kde.plasma.appmenu: Got an error
21 01:28:23 com1 rtkit-daemon[1123]: Successfully made thread 4873 of process 4778 owned by '1000' RT at priority 20.
21 01:28:23 com1 rtkit-daemon[1123]: Supervising 8 threads of 5 processes of 1 users.
21 01:28:46 com1 systemd[1042]: app-org.kde.haruna@e11dd78a9f1f41e387dddef6fe836f26.service: Consumed 9.347s CPU time, 252.1M memory peak.
21 01:28:51 com1 kwin_wayland[1091]: kwin_core: Cannot grant a token to KWin::ClientConnection(0x648423ff2be0)
21 01:28:51 com1 systemd[1042]: Started Mediaplayer VLC - Media Player.
21 01:28:51 com1 vlc[4929]: [00005d42fd3d1520] main libvlc: start vlc with default interface. Use 'cvlc' to start vlc without interface.
21 01:28:52 com1 kded6[1224]: Registering ":1.99/StatusNotifierItem" to system tray
21 01:28:52 com1 kwin_wayland[1091]: kf.windowsystem: static bool KX11Extras::mapViewport() may only be used on X11
21 01:28:52 com1 vlc[4929]: [000072f5880065b0] glconv_vaapi_x11 gl error: vaInitialize: unknown libva error
21 01:28:52 com1 vlc[4929]: [000072f5880065b0] glconv_vaapi_drm gl error: vaInitialize: unknown libva error
21 01:28:52 com1 vlc[4929]: Xlib: extension "DRI2" missing on display ":1".
21 01:28:52 com1 vlc[4929]: libva error: vaGetDriverNames() failed with operation failed
21 01:28:52 com1 vlc[4929]: [000072f5880065b0] glconv_vaapi_drm gl error: vaInitialize: operation failed
21 01:28:52 com1 vlc[4929]: [000072f584e472d0] main video output error: video output creation failed
21 01:28:52 com1 vlc[4929]: [000072f584c08bc0] main decoder error: failed to create video output
21 01:28:52 com1 vlc[4929]: [000072f588551680] glconv_vdpau gl error: glVDPAUInitNV failed: 0x502
21 01:28:52 com1 vlc[4929]: [000072f584c08bc0] avcodec decoder: Using NVIDIA VDPAU Driver Shared Library 565.77 Wed Nov 27 22:50:58 UTC 2024 for hardware decoding
21 01:28:53 com1 vlc[4929]: [000072f584c08bc0] main decoder error: buffer deadlock prevented
21 01:29:04 com1 kded6[1224]: Service ":1.99" unregistered
21 01:29:04 com1 systemd[1042]: app-vlc@4898e0079b974752987a6a0099abc719.service: Consumed 1.655s CPU time, 96M memory peak.
21 01:29:08 com1 kwin_wayland[1091]: kwin_core: Cannot grant a token to KWin::ClientConnection(0x648423ff2be0)
21 01:29:08 com1 systemd[1042]: Started Mediaplayer VLC - Media Player.
21 01:29:08 com1 vlc[4989]: [00005e33257bb520] main libvlc: start vlc with default interface. Use 'cvlc' to start vlc without interface.
21 01:29:08 com1 kded6[1224]: Registering ":1.105/StatusNotifierItem" to system tray
21 01:29:08 com1 kwin_wayland[1091]: kf.windowsystem: static bool KX11Extras::mapViewport() may only be used on X11
21 01:29:09 com1 vlc[4989]: [00007a6b28001f20] glconv_vaapi_x11 gl error: vaInitialize: unknown libva error
21 01:29:09 com1 vlc[4989]: [00007a6b28001f20] glconv_vaapi_drm gl error: vaInitialize: unknown libva error
21 01:29:09 com1 vlc[4989]: Xlib: extension "DRI2" missing on display ":1".
21 01:29:09 com1 vlc[4989]: libva error: vaGetDriverNames() failed with operation failed
21 01:29:09 com1 vlc[4989]: [00007a6b28001f20] glconv_vaapi_drm gl error: vaInitialize: operation failed
21 01:29:09 com1 vlc[4989]: [00007a6b24049be0] main video output error: video output creation failed
21 01:29:09 com1 vlc[4989]: [00007a6b40c0fa50] main decoder error: failed to create video output
21 01:29:09 com1 vlc[4989]: [00007a6b28550f40] glconv_vdpau gl error: glVDPAUInitNV failed: 0x502
21 01:29:09 com1 vlc[4989]: [00007a6b40c0fa50] avcodec decoder: Using NVIDIA VDPAU Driver Shared Library 565.77 Wed Nov 27 22:50:58 UTC 2024 for hardware decoding
21 01:29:18 com1 pipewire[1147]: pw.node: ( graph xrun not-triggered (0 suppressed)
21 01:29:18 com1 pipewire[1147]: pw.node: ( xrun state:0x7690777c9008 pending:1/1 s:2600739229511 a:2600739274953 f:2600739278883 waiting:45442 process:3930 status:triggered
21 01:29:25 com1 kded6[1224]: Service ":1.105" unregistered
21 01:29:25 com1 systemd[1042]: app-vlc@dc6c3ee6775e4713a1ad72d31b93f33a.service: Consumed 930ms CPU time, 72M memory peak.