Official way to excecute CLI commands in Plasma 6 plasmoids?

Afaik the official way in Plasma 5 was using the executable Datasource (ala [1]).

As far as I understand Datatsource is deprecated in Plasma 6 but still available through org.kde.plasma.plasma5support.

Question: Is there an official replacement or should we use the Plasma5Support compatibility layer for now?

[1] plasma-applet-lib/package/contents/ui/lib/ExecUtil.qml at master · Zren/plasma-applet-lib · GitHub

I am also interested in knowing what’s the appropriate way of running commands or applications now.

As far as I can tell there is no direct replacement but it seems that the “Executable” data engine is still being installed by the plasma-workspace package (at least here on KDE neon 6.2, Plasma 6.2.4)