Okular version on windows store

I have installed okular as my pdf viewer on Windows, from the Microsoft store. It is version 23.08.1, is it normal? Will newer versions be updated soon ?

Thank you

The KDE Applications (KDE Gear) are already at 24.02.1 or so, so it should be updated soon. However, if the owner of that app in the Microsoft Store is unofficial (I don’t know), it might be that the updates are delayed.

The publisher for Okular on the Microsoft Store is KDE e.V. , which is the official organisation for KDE.

Anyways, even many Linux distributions haven’t updated to KDE 6 right now (Kubuntu for example).
I don’t know anything about when KDE releases its apps to the Microsoft Store, but it shouldn’t be too far away from now as there are already new versions of the apps out there.