Open cbr files on Windows

is it possible to get okular to open cbr files on Win 10/11? Attempts to open cbr files fail with a message about missing unrar. i installed unrar, made surevit was in the path, put it in various pertinent directories, etc and no luck.

Did you add 1 C:\path\to\unrar.exe or 2 C:\path\to to the PATH variable? You need 2.

i put the executable and dll for GnuWin unrar in windows\system32.

Maybe use the official app, not the one that hasn’t been updated since 2007.

What ‘official’ app? There are only about a billion 'unrar’s out there :slight_smile:

i tried the one i mentioned, installed winrar to no effect, tried to get it to work with 7zip, and found 2 or 3 other ‘unrar.exe’, all of which i tried, putting them in windows/system32, and creating a separate ‘tools’ folder and putting them there [after putting the folder in the path]. etc, etc. I’ve tried renaming unrar-ers with different names [like 7zip]. I’ve wasted a huge amount of time trying to open one silly file type hoping for a single ereader for all of the file types i work with…

The one from rarlab ?
Download UnRAR for Windows run it, select where to extract it, then add the extraction path to the PATH environment variable.

If you have winrar installed you can locate the unrar.exe file and add it’s folder path to PATH environment variable.

many thanks - i’ll give that a shot. [i already have the winrar unrar.exe folder in my path…]

I daresay this is an extremely cumbersome solution, considering that the also open source SumatraPDF opens CBR files out of the box with no issue.

Anyway, at least Okular has a workable dark mode; Sumatra’s is almost unusable.