Now is possible to switch between presets using dbus, there is also support for setting specific options. Works both per panel or on all at once.
Also added the possibility to toggle a panel so it stays hidden even when hovering the borders of the screen, this one is kind of risky so learning how to toggle it using D-Bus is the recommended method, described in both the Readme and the widget settings.
Note that there is no validation in the method to change a specific settings so proceed with caution and know how to recover, usage is explained in Advanced commandline usage with D-Bus
Release highlights
“At least one window is shown” preset auto-loading condition
support per widget instance customization (uses name + id)
fix - update windows geometry on config changes
fix - foreground color set option not changing colors
use even spacing to avoid gaps if unified widgets feature is used
Force text/icons, Unified background, Preset/global overrides now use id to address multiple instances of the same widget separately and should be reconfigured. Also widget ids are unique per panel so the setting needs to be recreated and mantained per panel
The performance impact seems minimal (on my system at least), around 0.5% with four panels using it, the refresh color that can be set for widgets that try to restore their original colors might add a little bit more but only some widgets need that.
Yes the widget must be added to all the panels one wants to customize (but can be hidden so it only appears in edit mode), each instance can be configured separately but with presets you can save the configuration from one panel and restore it from another.
There are some exceptions for things that can’t be easily transferred across panels in the latest version, like per widget settings because they are now linked to a specific widget id that varies between panels, but I plan to make it more flexible so it’s easier to do things like “match all widgets of this type (e.g spacers)” or “this panel has this widget N times but match only this/these ones”
Thanks to this widget I’ve already made my panels look so much different and to my liking (I wouldn’t say better looking, it’s a matter of taste I guess).