[Plasma 6.1] Having a fullscreen window covering the panel on main monitor freezes plasmashell

This issue started since I updated to Plasma 6.1. Downgrading Plasma fixes it.
Having a fullscreen window covering the panel on main monitor freezes plasmashell until the window resized and the panel is brought up again. This doesn’t happen if a window is fullscreen on the secondary monitor.

Edit: I am using nvidia beta 555 drivers

Deleting the panel on main monitor makes everything function normally when a window is fullscreen. But this is not a solution since I would like the panel back.

Seems like only some applications trigger this bug. Firefox running with MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 triggers this but it doesn’t if its running with MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=0. Obsidian triggers this but Konsole does not.

Edit: Firefox only triggers it sometimes when running with wayland mode???

Edit 2: Upon further testing, looks like X11 applications seem to trigger this while wayland applications don’t.

This is a bug in the NVidia driver, see KDE Plasma Wayland - Explicit sync driver bug - Linux - NVIDIA Developer Forums

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