Plasma 6.1 on Neon + RDP option missing

As Nick explains here: htt ps://yout he was not able to find the RDP enable option. So that makes 2 of us. How can that be achieved?

Thanks :slight_smile:
/hail KDE

you need to install krdp


For reference, what distros are you folks using?

Edit: Arch here. Arch installed krdp with the update, so there may be a dependency problem going on.

Edit edit: Neon. Right. Thanks

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look at the category

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I’m using Fedora F40 and it ships without krdp too, just like neon. Must install manually.

Maybe ping the Fedora packagers suggesting they package it?

Its already packaged, just a simple sudo dnf install krdp is enough. But its not in the compose, and not marked as dependency (we plan to do that for F41)

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Ok, I now have the option, added a user etc. and set it to be on startup. If I connect, I immediately get disconnected. Firewall is off, so that’s not it. Is there a log that I can check for some error message so I can see what might be the issue before I ask for more help? Thanks!

– edit: got a error message about the protocol being wrong (classic Windows RDP)…

Of course, reconnecting doesn’t work…

This session is being disconnected due to a protocol error on the client (code: 0x2104). Please try connecting to the remote computer again."

  • Details:
  • Error Code: 0x2104
  • Extended Error Code: 0x0
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I suspect it is due to screen sharing being broken on neon.

I have the same problem here with KDE Neon (current software version 6.1, Wayland is activ). I cannot connect to the remote client via RDP (krdp is installed).

Is this a known bug?
