Plasma 6.2.1 panel info popup disappears too quickly

When I hover over applets on the panel with the mouse pointer, an info popup appears but only very briefly before it disappears again.
I think it used to be that the popup stayed as long as the mouse pointer was on it. This is no longer the case, because the popup disappears very quickly regardless of whether I hover over it with the mouse pointer or not.
Is there a way to alter that? E.g. to increase the time the popup is shown or to make the popup stay under the mouse cursor?
Even in the icons-and-text Task Manager applet the popups disappear too quickly and hovering above it doesn’t make them stay. I this intended behavior?

Operating System: Arch Linux
KDE Plasma Version: 6.2.1
KDE Frameworks Version: 6.7.0
Qt Version: 6.8.0
Kernel Version: 6.11.3-arch1-1 (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: Wayland
Graphics Processor: Mesa IntelÂŽ UHD Graphics 630

Is it only me who has this problem that the notifications in the panel, as well as from desktop widgets disappear so quickly that you hardly have enough time to read them?

Is it possible that this is an error in the configuration? Perhaps some incompatible entries remained in the config files during the transition from Plasma 6.1 to 6.2 that are interfering? Which files would I have to edit or delete?

I have also noticed that since Plasma 6.2.2 the panel widgets ‘panel colorizer’, ‘panel transparency button’ and ‘panel transparency toggle’ have been behaving very weird and incorrectly, so that other widgets in the bar no longer work properly. Since I stopped using these widgets, the behaviour has improved.
Does anyone have more experience?

The POP-UP you show is simply a label showing you information about the icon you’re hovering over.

There is absolutely no function in the popup other than being visible whilst the cursor is over the icon. It disappears when your cursor leaves the icon.

There’s no point hovering the popup or trying to click it - it does nothing.

Thanks for answering. You’re quite right: it isn’t a popup rather a label. And what I’m struggling with is that this label shows up only a fracture of a second and not -as you mentioned it:

being visible whilst the cursor is over the icon

It shouldn’t disappear until my cursor leaves the icon only it isn’t! All info labels do appear only for a short moment before they disappear, even though the cursor didn’t leave the icon.
Hovering over the favorites icons of the app menu launcher is even worse as the label stucks in a loop of appearing and disappearing, like so:
This flickering resp. blinking prevents clicking the icon!

The labels of desktop widgets also disappear far to quickly. I suppose the intended behaviour should only disappear when the cursor leaves the icon.

Edit: I can reproduce this issue on another laptop with Arch Linux Plasma 6.2.2

Ouch - not with my horizontal panel, I haven’t tried vertical… hold tight.

Something is messed up - when I put my panel to the left edge, those labels appear to the RIGHT of the cursor, and on the right edge, labels pop up to the left of the cursor.

They are also permanent - not timed, and they don’t flicker. I think perhaps your desktop is rather heavily themed and messed up…

I’d suggest you first verify it with a new USER and then removing the config.

If you’re using Garuda, then there maybe other issues as they are known for being heavily opinionated in their theming and setup options.

Something’s very wrong with the way they’re trying to appear under the cursor there.

My Gif-example is not the horizontal panel but the app menu launcher. With my panel its not blinking, but even so disappearing too quickly. I reproduced that issue on another system. Both are Arch Linux Plasma 6.2.2. → no Garuda. Will try it with another user as suggested

Could you try disabling morphing popups in Desktop Effects if they’re ticked?

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The panel popups disappearing or appearing in the correct position for transparent panels was bug 494193 – Panel popups position broken when PlasmaCore.Types.NoBackground is applied to the panel (RESOLVED FIXED in 6.2.2). If you’re no longer using the addons you mentioned but the panel is still exhibiting weird popups behavior that might be a new bug.

I am the developer of Panel Colorizer and at least on my system panel popups behave correctly when transparency is applied.

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That effect was removed in Plasma 6.2 effects: Drop morphing popups effect (!5861) ¡ Merge requests ¡ Plasma / KWin ¡ GitLab

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Tried on a different user with default configuration and can reproduce the bug with the Application Menu widget but not in others, is this happening with all widgets for you?

Thank you all for taking an interest.
Interim status:

  • Panel: the label disappearing too quickly is related to Conky! After trying around without running conky, the labels are working as expexted! Here the relevant part of conky.conf:
-- Window specifications
	own_window = true,
	own_window_class = 'Conky',
	own_window_type = 'normal',
	own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
	own_window_transparent = true,
	own_window_argb_visual = true,

Probably the own window class or rather window type?

  • @luisbocanegra The blinking label on favorites of the app menu launcher occurs only with one particular menu app namely the “application menu”!?
    “Application launcher” and all the other alternatives don’t have that issue!
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Hmm tried that conky config and wasn’t able to reproduce here, could be something else, maybe a window rule?

I tested to run conky with window types normal, desktop, dock, panel and override with no effect to the issue.
The issue isn’t present without running conky, so its for sure that conky is the villain! Does anyone has a clue?

Here all relevant graphic parts of my conky config:

conky.config = {
-- Conky settings
	background = false,
	update_interval = 1,
	cpu_avg_samples = 2,
	net_avg_samples = 2,
	double_buffer = true,
	no_buffers = true,
	text_buffer_size = 2048,
	temperature_unit = 'celsius',

-- Window specifications
	own_window = true,
	own_window_class = 'Conky',
	own_window_type = 'normal',
	own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
	own_window_transparent = true,
	own_window_argb_visual = true,
--  own_window_argb_value = 100,
	border_inner_margin = 10,
	border_outer_margin = 0,
	minimum_width = 340, 
    minimum_height = 5,
	alignment = 'top_left',
	xinerama_head = 2,
	gap_x = 400,
	gap_y = 10,

-- Graphics settings
	draw_shades = true,
	draw_outline = false,
	draw_borders = false,
	draw_graph_borders = false,
	border_width = 0,
	stippled_borders = 1,

Looks like a bug with that specific widget yes, or the way it is doing popups, found the bug report 495262 – Popup constantly shown then hidden when hovering over pinned item in the menu

I see! Thanks @luisbocanegra

Could be, which conky version are you using? Even with the extra config you shared I am still unable to reproduce the bug. Do you have any window rule applied to conky window?

Plain conky, version 1.21.5
Yes I applied a window rule to conky window to force conky to appear only on 2 of 3 activities. But deleting that rule doesn’t resolve the issue!

Most of my conky windows run a lot of ‘external’ scripts every minute (like: pacman -Qm, aur vercmp, checkupdates, dolphin --version, awk, kinfo, grep and bash scripts).

Starting a conky window that doesn’t run any of those ‘external’ scripts, or at least runs only scripts that are inherent to conky (such as: mem, memmax, memperc, membar, swap, swapmax, swapperc, swapbar etc) do allow Plasma labels of panel and widgets to appear normally!

Yeah, I tested the conky part you posted ( needed to add a bracket :wink: ) with some straightforward regular stuff and it seems ok. So, it’s your custom “extras” that are causing a prob while using them in conky. One thing I noticed in your conky though. There doesn’t seem to be a maximum width/heigth.

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Yeah, got it! You were right hinting at my conky custom “extras”, even though it wasn’t maximum width/heigth: I used exec instead of execi 60 in one of my conky scripts. That seemed to have been updating the output constantly and apparently deactivated the labels of Plasma panel and widgets!
Thank you all for bothering! I’m glad of not having to clear my Plasma config files :grinning:
Regarding the bug of the application menu, i hope it will be fixed in some time

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