Plasma 6 and Wayland no on-screen keyboard working

Good morning everyone,

I am a differently abled person and I use the computer thanks to a chin joystick and thanks to the on screen keyboards, since the arrival of Wayland the keyboards and no longer work and for me it has become a huge problem, sure still I could use X11 but since The standard is going more and more to the other engine how can I make me use Linux without an on screen keyboard?

I fully understand that this is about security but if you wanted you could also put an option where the user chooses if he wants paranoid security, medium security or no security at all… to the status quo I have to say with huge sadness in my heart that Windows remains much more accessible than Linux and honestly I would never want to go back to the window system for anything in the world !

Could someone kindly help me out ?


Hi, I use kde plasma 6 and wayland on a touch screen device and I have a on-sceen keyboard (but I don’t have youre usage).
Altough it is not the same virtual keyboards under X and wayland. On wayland the only on-screen keyboard is maliit you may have to install it and I think it is in the repo. There are some limitations maliit is not very active I think, It is not really customisable and there are no Ctrl and Alt and F1-F12 key.

The package under Ubuntu/Debian are maliit-keyboard and maliit-framework

There are three wayland-compatible virtual keyboards that I know of: Maliit, Squeekboard, and wvkbd.
Maliit (GitHub - maliit/keyboard: Maliit Keyboard, a free software virtual keyboard for Linux) is what has the most integration with plasma, but for my system it’s broken, so your milage may vary.
Squeekboard (World / Phosh / squeekboard · GitLab) is primarily built for GNOME, so it requires having the gnome libraries and desktop installed to run (at least on Arch).
wvkbd (GitHub - jjsullivan5196/wvkbd: On-screen keyboard for wlroots) is a as-minimal-as-possible keyboard, and may require compiling from source to install.

I’m afraid that for the moment, accessibility is quite lacking on wayland, but hopefully with GNOME’s Newton project, as well as development moving away from the “get stuff ported” stage of the dev process, that we’ll start to see better accessibility on wayland. Hope this helps!

Excluding gnome’s OSK which has its major limitations, all others are either mobile or tablet keyboards anyway that are difficult to install and often give errors during the latter process

Did you try maliit and you had difficulties with it? On which distribution you are? What did you use under X?

Right now I’m under Arch, under X I’ve always used onboard and I have to say I’ve always found it good also because of the snippets you can put inside it very useful

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