Plasmashell - Remove AM PM from Digital Clock widget

DigitalClock.qml for VerticalPanel make timeLabel display numbers only, not AM or PM.

Plasmashell applets/digital-clock/package/contents/ui/DigitalClock.qml

Hello! For the digital clock widget within the Panel - I have a vertical panel that is 48 px. I would like to remove the AM / PM from the timeLabel so that the time is displayed larger as only numbers, like 10:11

I am aware the Region & Language can do this, yet I would like to try to do this in the code referenced above.

Thank you! Tyler

best you can do is split the time format to put the am/pm on a new line

short of rewriting the entire qml for the clock, a new line is the next best thing.

from my notes:

Configure Digital Clock lets you set the format and font
- show date
- date format custom
ddd M/d yyyy
- font
48pt Bernound

#to move the AM/PM of the 12hr digital clock to a new line, edit this .qml
#find the function timeFormatCorrection (at line ~651) and for the *if* statement change
    result += " " + amPm;
    result += "\n" + amPm;  // puts amPm on new line for larger font in vertical panels

#to change the clock color search the .qml for "id: timeLabel" and add this line under it
color: "#69ffff"

#to change the date color search the .qml for "id: dateLabel" and add this line under it
color: "#cdffff"

1 Like

ddd d MMM
I don’t have AM/PM.

Just curious, where did you input ddd d MMM? I don’t see an obvious place in the Configure Digital Clock dialog for setting a custom time format in the same way as a custom date format.

The functionality for having a custom time syntax has been requested here: 393956 – Digital Clock widget add custom time format. Please add yourself to CC.


Thank you everyone for the help!
I am using split-clock for now found in the KDE Store.
and will also look into the Digital Clock qml

Colours edited in /usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.digitalclock/contents/ui/DigitalClock.qml:

 *   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Heena Mahour <>
 *   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Sebastian Kügler <>
 *   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Martin Klapetek <>
 *   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 David Edmundson <>
 *   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later

pragma ComponentBehavior: Bound

import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Layouts

import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid
import org.kde.plasma.core as PlasmaCore
import org.kde.plasma.components as PlasmaComponents
import org.kde.plasma.private.digitalclock
import org.kde.kirigami as Kirigami

MouseArea {
    id: main
    objectName: "digital-clock-compactrepresentation"

    property string timeFormat
    property string timeFormatWithSeconds

    // This is quite convoluted in Qt 6:
    // Qt.formatDate with locale only accepts Locale.FormatType as format type,
    // no Qt.DateFormat (ISODate) and no format string.
    // Locale.toString on the other hand only formats a date *with* time...
    readonly property var dateFormatter: {
        if (Plasmoid.configuration.dateFormat === "custom") {
            Plasmoid.configuration.customDateFormat; // create a binding dependency on this property.
            return (d) => {
                return Qt.locale().toString(d, Plasmoid.configuration.customDateFormat);
        } else if (Plasmoid.configuration.dateFormat === "isoDate") {
            return (d) => {
                return Qt.formatDate(d, Qt.ISODate);
        } else if (Plasmoid.configuration.dateFormat === "longDate") {
            return (d) => {
                return Qt.formatDate(d, Qt.locale(), Locale.LongFormat);
        } else {
            return (d) => {
                return Qt.formatDate(d, Qt.locale(), Locale.ShortFormat);

    property string lastDate: ""
    property int tzOffset

    // This is the index in the list of user selected time zones
    property int tzIndex: 0

    // if showing the date and the time in one line or
    // if the date/time zone cannot be fit with the smallest font to its designated space
    readonly property bool oneLineMode: {
        if (Plasmoid.configuration.dateDisplayFormat === 1) {
            // BesideTime
            return true;
        } else if (Plasmoid.configuration.dateDisplayFormat === 2) {
            // BelowTime
            return false;
        } else {
            // Adaptive
            return Plasmoid.formFactor === PlasmaCore.Types.Horizontal &&
            height <= 2 * Kirigami.Theme.smallFont.pixelSize &&
            (Plasmoid.configuration.showDate || timeZoneLabel.visible);

    property bool wasExpanded
    property int wheelDelta: 0

    Accessible.role: Accessible.Button
    Accessible.onPressAction: clicked(null)

    Connections {
        target: Plasmoid
        function onContextualActionsAboutToShow() {
            ClipboardMenu.secondsIncluded = (Plasmoid.configuration.showSeconds === 2);
            ClipboardMenu.currentDate = main.getCurrentTime();

    Connections {
        target: Plasmoid.configuration
        function onSelectedTimeZonesChanged() {
            // If the currently selected time zone was removed,
            // default to the first one in the list
            if (Plasmoid.configuration.selectedTimeZones.indexOf(Plasmoid.configuration.lastSelectedTimezone) === -1) {
                Plasmoid.configuration.lastSelectedTimezone = Plasmoid.configuration.selectedTimeZones[0];


        function onDisplayTimezoneFormatChanged() {

        function onLastSelectedTimezoneChanged() {

        function onShowLocalTimezoneChanged() {

        function onShowDateChanged() {

        function onUse24hFormatChanged() {

    function getCurrentTime(): date {
        const data =[Plasmoid.configuration.lastSelectedTimezone];
        // The order of signal propagation is unspecified, so we might get
        // here before the dataSource has updated. Alternatively, a buggy
        // configuration view might set lastSelectedTimezone to a new time
        // zone before applying the new list, or it may just be set to
        // something invalid in the config file.
        if (data === undefined) {
            return new Date();

        // get the time for the given time zone from the dataengine
        const now = data["DateTime"];
        // get current UTC time
        const msUTC = now.getTime() + (now.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000);
        // add the dataengine TZ offset to it
        const currentTime = new Date(msUTC + (data["Offset"] * 1000));
        return currentTime;

    function pointToPixel(pointSize: int): int {
        const pixelsPerInch = Screen.pixelDensity * 25.4
        return Math.round(pointSize / 72 * pixelsPerInch)

    states: [
        State {
            name: "horizontalPanel"
            when: Plasmoid.formFactor === PlasmaCore.Types.Horizontal && !main.oneLineMode

            PropertyChanges {
                target: main
                Layout.fillHeight: true
                Layout.fillWidth: false
                Layout.minimumWidth: contentItem.width
                Layout.maximumWidth: Layout.minimumWidth

            PropertyChanges {
                target: contentItem

                height: timeLabel.height + (Plasmoid.configuration.showDate || timeZoneLabel.visible ? 0.8 * timeLabel.height : 0)
                width: Math.max(timeLabel.width + (Plasmoid.configuration.showDate ? timeZoneLabel.paintedWidth : 0),
                                timeZoneLabel.paintedWidth, dateLabel.paintedWidth) + Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing

            PropertyChanges {
                target: labelsGrid

                rows: Plasmoid.configuration.showDate ? 1 : 2

            AnchorChanges {
                target: labelsGrid

                anchors.horizontalCenter: contentItem.horizontalCenter

            PropertyChanges {
                target: timeLabel

                height: sizehelper.height
                width: timeLabel.paintedWidth

                font.pixelSize: timeLabel.height

            PropertyChanges {
                target: timeZoneLabel

                height: Plasmoid.configuration.showDate ? 0.7 * timeLabel.height : 0.8 * timeLabel.height
                width: Plasmoid.configuration.showDate ? timeZoneLabel.paintedWidth : timeLabel.width

                font.pixelSize: timeZoneLabel.height

            PropertyChanges {
                target: dateLabel

                height: 0.8 * timeLabel.height
                width: dateLabel.paintedWidth
                verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter

                font.pixelSize: dateLabel.height

            AnchorChanges {
                target: dateLabel

                anchors.horizontalCenter: labelsGrid.horizontalCenter

            PropertyChanges {
                target: sizehelper

                 * The value 0.71 was picked by testing to give the clock the right
                 * size (aligned with tray icons).
                 * Value 0.56 seems to be chosen rather arbitrary as well such that
                 * the time label is slightly larger than the date or time zone label
                 * and still fits well into the panel with all the applied margins.
                height: Math.min(Plasmoid.configuration.showDate || timeZoneLabel.visible ? main.height * 0.56 : main.height * 0.71,

                font.pixelSize: sizehelper.height

        State {
            name: "oneLineDate"
            // the one-line mode has no effect on a vertical panel because it would never fit
            when: Plasmoid.formFactor !== PlasmaCore.Types.Vertical && main.oneLineMode

            PropertyChanges {
                target: main
                Layout.fillHeight: true
                Layout.fillWidth: false
                Layout.minimumWidth: contentItem.width
                Layout.maximumWidth: Layout.minimumWidth


            PropertyChanges {
                target: contentItem

                height: sizehelper.height
                width: dateLabel.width + dateLabel.anchors.rightMargin + labelsGrid.width

            AnchorChanges {
                target: labelsGrid

                anchors.right: contentItem.right

            PropertyChanges {
                target: dateLabel

                height: timeLabel.height
                width: dateLabel.paintedWidth

                font.pixelSize: 1024
                verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
                // between date and time; they are styled the same, so
                // a space is more appropriate than smallSpacing
                anchors.rightMargin: timeMetrics.advanceWidth(" ")

                fontSizeMode: Text.VerticalFit

            AnchorChanges {
                target: dateLabel

                anchors.right: labelsGrid.left
                anchors.verticalCenter: labelsGrid.verticalCenter

            PropertyChanges {
                target: timeLabel

                height: sizehelper.height
                width: timeLabel.paintedWidth

                fontSizeMode: Text.VerticalFit

            PropertyChanges {
                target: timeZoneLabel

                height: 0.7 * timeLabel.height
                width: timeZoneLabel.paintedWidth

                fontSizeMode: Text.VerticalFit
                horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

            PropertyChanges {
                target: sizehelper

                height: Math.min(main.height, fontHelper.contentHeight)

                fontSizeMode: Text.VerticalFit
                font.pixelSize: fontHelper.font.pixelSize

        State {
            name: "verticalPanel"
            when: Plasmoid.formFactor === PlasmaCore.Types.Vertical

            PropertyChanges {
                target: main
                Layout.fillHeight: false
                Layout.fillWidth: true
                Layout.maximumHeight: contentItem.height
                Layout.minimumHeight: Layout.maximumHeight

            PropertyChanges {
                target: contentItem

                height: Plasmoid.configuration.showDate ? labelsGrid.height + dateLabel.contentHeight : labelsGrid.height
                width: main.width

            PropertyChanges {
                target: labelsGrid

                rows: 2

            PropertyChanges {
                target: timeLabel

                height: sizehelper.contentHeight
                width: main.width

                font.pixelSize: Math.min(timeLabel.height, fontHelper.font.pixelSize)
                fontSizeMode: Text.Fit

            PropertyChanges {
                target: timeZoneLabel

                height: Math.max(0.7 * timeLabel.height, minimumPixelSize)
                width: main.width

                fontSizeMode: Text.Fit
                minimumPixelSize: dateLabel.minimumPixelSize
                elide: Text.ElideRight

            PropertyChanges {
                target: dateLabel

                width: main.width
                //NOTE: in order for Text.Fit to work as intended, the actual height needs to be quite big, in order for the font to enlarge as much it needs for the available width, and then request a sensible height, for which contentHeight will need to be considered as opposed to height
                height: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 10

                fontSizeMode: Text.Fit
                verticalAlignment: Text.AlignTop
                // Those magic numbers are purely what looks nice as maximum size, here we have it the smallest
                // between slightly bigger than the default font (1.4 times) and a bit smaller than the time font
                font.pixelSize: Math.min(0.7 * timeLabel.height, Kirigami.Theme.defaultFont.pixelSize * 1.4)
                elide: Text.ElideRight
                wrapMode: Text.WordWrap

            AnchorChanges {
                target: dateLabel

                anchors.horizontalCenter: labelsGrid.horizontalCenter

            PropertyChanges {
                target: sizehelper

                width: main.width

                fontSizeMode: Text.HorizontalFit
                font.pixelSize: fontHelper.font.pixelSize

        State {
            name: "other"
            when: Plasmoid.formFactor !== PlasmaCore.Types.Vertical && Plasmoid.formFactor !== PlasmaCore.Types.Horizontal

            PropertyChanges {
                target: main
                Layout.fillHeight: false
                Layout.fillWidth: false
                Layout.minimumWidth: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 3
                Layout.minimumHeight: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 3

            PropertyChanges {
                target: contentItem

                height: main.height
                width: main.width

            PropertyChanges {
                target: labelsGrid

                rows: 2

            PropertyChanges {
                target: timeLabel

                height: sizehelper.height
                width: main.width

                fontSizeMode: Text.Fit

            PropertyChanges {
                target: timeZoneLabel

                height: 0.7 * timeLabel.height
                width: main.width

                fontSizeMode: Text.Fit
                minimumPixelSize: 1

            PropertyChanges {
                target: dateLabel

                height: 0.7 * timeLabel.height
                font.pixelSize: 1024
                width: Math.max(timeLabel.contentWidth, Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 3)
                verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter

                fontSizeMode: Text.Fit
                minimumPixelSize: 1
                wrapMode: Text.WordWrap

            AnchorChanges {
                target: dateLabel

                anchors.horizontalCenter: labelsGrid.horizontalCenter

            PropertyChanges {
                target: sizehelper

                height: {
                    if (Plasmoid.configuration.showDate) {
                        if (timeZoneLabel.visible) {
                            return 0.4 * main.height
                        return 0.56 * main.height
                    } else if (timeZoneLabel.visible) {
                        return 0.59 * main.height
                    return main.height
                width: main.width

                fontSizeMode: Text.Fit
                font.pixelSize: 1024

    onPressed: wasExpanded = root.expanded
    onClicked: root.expanded = !wasExpanded
    onWheel: wheel => {
        if (!Plasmoid.configuration.wheelChangesTimezone) {

        var delta = (wheel.inverted ? -1 : 1) * (wheel.angleDelta.y ? wheel.angleDelta.y : wheel.angleDelta.x);
        var newIndex = tzIndex;
        wheelDelta += delta;
        // magic number 120 for common "one click"
        // See:
        while (wheelDelta >= 120) {
            wheelDelta -= 120;
        while (wheelDelta <= -120) {
            wheelDelta += 120;

        if (newIndex >= Plasmoid.configuration.selectedTimeZones.length) {
            newIndex = 0;
        } else if (newIndex < 0) {
            newIndex = Plasmoid.configuration.selectedTimeZones.length - 1;

        if (newIndex !== tzIndex) {
            Plasmoid.configuration.lastSelectedTimezone = Plasmoid.configuration.selectedTimeZones[newIndex];
            tzIndex = newIndex;


     * Visible elements
    Item {
        id: contentItem
        anchors.verticalCenter: main.verticalCenter

        Grid {
            id: labelsGrid

            rows: 1
            horizontalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignHCenter
            verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignVCenter

            flow: Grid.TopToBottom
            // between time and timezone; timezone is styled differently, so
            // smallSpacing is more appropriate than a space
            columnSpacing: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing

            PlasmaComponents.Label  {
                id: timeLabel
                color: "#ffe387"
                font {
                    weight: fontHelper.font.weight
                    italic: fontHelper.font.italic
                    features: { "tnum": 1 }
                    pixelSize: 1024
                minimumPixelSize: 1

                text: Qt.formatTime(main.getCurrentTime(), Plasmoid.configuration.showSeconds === 2 ? main.timeFormatWithSeconds : main.timeFormat)
                textFormat: Text.PlainText

                verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
                horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

            PlasmaComponents.Label {
                id: timeZoneLabel
                color: "#ffff7f"
                font.weight: timeLabel.font.weight
                font.italic: timeLabel.font.italic
                font.pixelSize: 1024
                minimumPixelSize: 1

                visible: text.length > 0
                horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
                textFormat: Text.PlainText

        PlasmaComponents.Label {
            id: dateLabel
            color: "#77be9a"

            visible: Plasmoid.configuration.showDate

            font.weight: timeLabel.font.weight
            font.italic: timeLabel.font.italic
            font.pixelSize: 1024
            minimumPixelSize: 1

            horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
            verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
            textFormat: Text.PlainText
     * end: Visible Elements

    PlasmaComponents.Label {
        id: sizehelper
        font.weight: timeLabel.font.weight
        font.italic: timeLabel.font.italic
        minimumPixelSize: 1

        visible: false
        textFormat: Text.PlainText

    // To measure Label.height for maximum-sized font in VerticalFit mode
    PlasmaComponents.Label {
        id: fontHelper

        height: 1024 (Plasmoid.configuration.autoFontAndSize || Plasmoid.configuration.fontFamily.length === 0) ? : Plasmoid.configuration.fontFamily
        font.weight: Plasmoid.configuration.autoFontAndSize ? Kirigami.Theme.defaultFont.weight : Plasmoid.configuration.fontWeight
        font.italic: Plasmoid.configuration.autoFontAndSize ? Kirigami.Theme.defaultFont.italic : Plasmoid.configuration.italicText
        font.pixelSize: Plasmoid.configuration.autoFontAndSize ? 3 * Kirigami.Theme.defaultFont.pixelSize : pointToPixel(Plasmoid.configuration.fontSize)
        fontSizeMode: Text.VerticalFit

        visible: false
        textFormat: Text.PlainText

    FontMetrics {
        id: timeMetrics
        font.weight: timeLabel.font.weight
        font.italic: timeLabel.font.italic

    // Qt's QLocale does not offer any modular time creating like Klocale did
    // eg. no "gimme time with seconds" or "gimme time without seconds and with time zone".
    // QLocale supports only two formats - Long and Short. Long is unusable in many situations
    // and Short does not provide seconds. So if seconds are enabled, we need to add it here.
    // What happens here is that it looks for the delimiter between "h" and "m", takes it
    // and appends it after "mm" and then appends "ss" for the seconds.
    function timeFormatCorrection(timeFormatString = Qt.locale().timeFormat(Locale.ShortFormat)) {
        const regexp = /(hh*)(.+)(mm)/i
        const match = regexp.exec(timeFormatString);

        const hours = match[1];
        const delimiter = match[2];
        const minutes = match[3]
        const seconds = "ss";
        const amPm = "AP";
        const uses24hFormatByDefault = timeFormatString.toLowerCase().indexOf("ap") === -1;

        // because QLocale is incredibly stupid and does not convert 12h/24h clock format
        // when uppercase H is used for hours, needs to be h or hh, so toLowerCase()
        let result = hours.toLowerCase() + delimiter + minutes;

        let result_sec = result + delimiter + seconds;

        // add "AM/PM" either if the setting is the default and locale uses it OR if the user unchecked "use 24h format"
        if ((Plasmoid.configuration.use24hFormat === Qt.PartiallyChecked && !uses24hFormatByDefault) || Plasmoid.configuration.use24hFormat === Qt.Unchecked) {
            result += " " + amPm;
            result_sec += " " + amPm;

        timeFormat = result;
        timeFormatWithSeconds = result_sec;

    function setupLabels() {
        const lastSelectedData =[Plasmoid.configuration.lastSelectedTimezone];
        const localData =["Local"];
        // The order of signal propagation is unspecified, so we might get
        // here before the dataSource has updated. Alternatively, a buggy
        // configuration view might set lastSelectedTimezone to a new time
        // zone before applying the new list, or it may just be set to
        // something invalid in the config file.
        if (lastSelectedData === undefined || localData === undefined) {

        const showTimezone = Plasmoid.configuration.showLocalTimezone
        || (Plasmoid.configuration.lastSelectedTimezone !== "Local"
        && lastSelectedData["Timezone City"] !== localData["Timezone City"]);

        let timezoneString = "";

        if (showTimezone) {
            // format time zone as tz code, city or UTC offset
            switch (Plasmoid.configuration.displayTimezoneFormat) {
                case 0: // Code
                    timezoneString = lastSelectedData["Timezone Abbreviation"]
                case 1: // City
                    timezoneString = TimeZonesI18n.i18nCity(lastSelectedData["Timezone"]);
                case 2: // Offset from UTC time
                    const lastOffset = lastSelectedData["Offset"];
                    const symbol = lastOffset > 0 ? '+' : '';
                    const hours = Math.floor(lastOffset / 3600);
                    const minutes = Math.floor(lastOffset % 3600 / 60);

                    timezoneString = "UTC" + symbol + hours.toString().padStart(2, '0') + ":" + minutes.toString().padStart(2, '0');
            if ((Plasmoid.configuration.showDate || oneLineMode) && Plasmoid.formFactor === PlasmaCore.Types.Horizontal) {
                timezoneString = `(${timezoneString})`;
        // an empty string clears the label and that makes it hidden
        timeZoneLabel.text = timezoneString;

        if (Plasmoid.configuration.showDate) {
            dateLabel.text = dateFormatter(getCurrentTime());
        } else {
            // clear it so it doesn't take space in the layout
            dateLabel.text = "";

        // find widest character between 0 and 9
        let maximumWidthNumber = 0;
        let maximumAdvanceWidth = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
            const advanceWidth = timeMetrics.advanceWidth(i);
            if (advanceWidth > maximumAdvanceWidth) {
                maximumAdvanceWidth = advanceWidth;
                maximumWidthNumber = i;
        // replace all placeholders with the widest number (two digits)
        const format = timeFormat.replace(/(h+|m+|s+)/g, "" + maximumWidthNumber + maximumWidthNumber); // make sure maximumWidthNumber is formatted as string
        // build the time string twice, once with an AM time and once with a PM time
        const date = new Date(2000, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0);
        const timeAm = Qt.formatTime(date, format);
        const advanceWidthAm = timeMetrics.advanceWidth(timeAm);
        const timePm = Qt.formatTime(date, format);
        const advanceWidthPm = timeMetrics.advanceWidth(timePm);
        // set the sizehelper's text to the widest time string
        if (advanceWidthAm > advanceWidthPm) {
            sizehelper.text = timeAm;
        } else {
            sizehelper.text = timePm;
        fontHelper.text = sizehelper.text

    function dateTimeChanged() {
        let doCorrections = false;

        if (Plasmoid.configuration.showDate) {
            // If the date has changed, force size recalculation, because the day name
            // or the month name can now be longer/shorter, so we need to adjust applet size
            const currentDate = Qt.formatDateTime(getCurrentTime(), "yyyy-MM-dd");
            if (lastDate !== currentDate) {
                doCorrections = true;
                lastDate = currentDate

        const currentTimeZoneOffset =["Local"]["Offset"] / 60;
        if (currentTimeZoneOffset !== tzOffset) {
            doCorrections = true;
            tzOffset = currentTimeZoneOffset;
            Date.timeZoneUpdated(); // inform the QML JS engine about TZ change

        if (doCorrections) {

    function setTimeZoneIndex() {
        tzIndex = Plasmoid.configuration.selectedTimeZones.indexOf(Plasmoid.configuration.lastSelectedTimezone);

    Component.onCompleted: {
        // Sort the time zones according to their offset
        // Calling sort() directly on Plasmoid.configuration.selectedTimeZones
        // has no effect, so sort a copy and then assign the copy to it
        const byOffset = (a, b) => a.offset - b.offset;
        const sortedTimeZones = Plasmoid.configuration.selectedTimeZones
        .map(timeZone => ({
            // If not found, move it to the bottom by giving it the highest offset as a fallback
            offset:[timeZone]?.["Offset"] ?? 86400,
        Plasmoid.configuration.selectedTimeZones = sortedTimeZones
        .map(({ timeZone }) => timeZone);

        tzOffset = -(new Date().getTimezoneOffset());




Use MELD to help compare and find where :wink: but I’m not sure how this solves the ‘am/pm’ issue.

you have changed your region time settings from "Default "to “C” then?

that gives you the time format without am/pm but forces hh:mm in the digital clock.

there is still no way to get h:mm without the am/pm unless you delve into the qml