Possible feature for easier control over SDDM

I use a laptop hooked up to an external monitor, but I don’t want the login display showing on both displays, just the external monitor while it is connected. I was thinking of adding a feature that would allow users to control which display(s) SDDM shows up on, like, if someone was using four displays, they could set it up so that only the monitor directly in front of them would show the login screen.

If using weston as the compositor for SDDM this is actually fairly easy to do with a weston.ini

Im not sure if there is a desire to have weston as the compositor for SDDM though but with a config as simple as




you can have SDDM only appear on the enabled display which sort of mimics the behavior windows has for its login screen. This may have some issues though with possibly losing the expected display so figuring a way to deal with these cases may be a good idea.

If using weston as the compositor for SDDM this is actually fairly easy to do with a weston.ini

Is there a way to do this just as simply (or perhaps with a little more elbow grease) on X11? I haven’t made the switch to Wayland yet due to some anxieties about it not being as stable as X11 quite yet, though I hope to make the switch eventually (in a few years probably, knowing how indecisive I can be…)

I’m not sure, i’ve been using Weston for SDDM for about a year now. You can still use x11 for the session itself with Weston for SDDM. It has the added benefit of running x11 in rootless mode. I see no real reason to avoid Weston on SDDM unless maybe nvidia has problems idk about.

That said maybe shouldn’t continue on this question too much so as to not derail OP.