Printer network

Unable to set any network printer using system config !

It would help if there was any information here

As an example see the screenshot here. I used the cups web interface to detect my printer HP

An other screenshot, sorry for the messages in french

I don’t think it’s a good idea to use the CUPS web interface and also this thing; they may be interfering with one another. I’d recommend trying to use the System Settings thing exclusively.

Also you need to click on one of the list items in the sidebar on the left.

As you see here, clicking on one of the menu on the left leads to the following message : this feature is not yet available

Sounds like your system may be missing drivers or other printing support packages.

Sorry its a fresh install

And as you can see the select printer button is not active.

For your information, on the same machine, a fresh install of Neon 2023121.

I am having the exact same issue. I’m on KDE-Neon, Plasma 6.0.2, Kernel version 6.5.0-26-generic (64-bit).

Cannot discover the network printer, AppSocket “is not yet available”, typing the URI manually does not activate the “Select Printer” button.

My other machine, which is an older laptop running another Ubuntu derivate with KDE and Plasma 5.24.7 recognizes the same network printer automatically over socket://[ip-addr]:[port].

Really want to avoid re-installing everything…

Which packages am I missing? HP-lip and avahi daemon are installed, cups, cups-client and cups-daemon too. I am not attempting to use CUPS webinterface, but using system settings instead.

After creating a virual machine on my PC I was able to easily add the printer inside the VM, as well as print a document. Evidently, it is not my firewall. I believe some packages are missing on my KDE neon install, but can’t figure out which ones.

Hello, you should not have to reinstall anything but I’ll add just couple of comments here.

We have a known issue if OpenPrinter system-config is not installed or is failing for some reason. This is fixed in 6.1, but not backported (yet) and could be your issue as well.

Also, it is okay to use the CUPS web interface to install a printer if the auto detection fails with Plasma System Settings or we’re missing support for the older AppSocket/JetDirect interfaces. Once that printer is set up, System Settings should see it in the list and it should be available with your applications.

It should be noted as well, that you can fall back to the older Plasma printer install wizard from a terminal:

kde-add-printer --add-printer

This is essentially the same mechanism that was used in previous versions and printers installed here will then show in System Settings and your apps.

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Thank you for informing us that this has been taken into account.

system-config-printer package was not installed, and installing it did not help. Detection of my printer was still failing and AppSocket was “unavailable”, typing a URI manually did not work.

However, the older Plasma printer install wizard did the trick. The printer is now added and functioning! Thanks a lot

Glad you successfully installed the printer.

For 6.0.4, adding a printer ip address manually should work as well as selecting a driver for a discovered printer when recommended driver discovery fails.

For 6.1 we are adding explicit support for legacy LPD and Socket printers.