Private Internet Access VPN

I have already filed a ticket, maybe others need to do so as well.

…/and have received a reply, providing info that they are working on it, and to edit the autostart :

  1. If you prefer using Wayland over X11, you have to modify the PIA GUI client auto-start file. Follow the steps below for instructions

    Open the auto-start file using any text editor. The auto-start file for the PIA client is located at ~/.config/autostart/pia-client.desktop
    Look for the line that contains the following: Exec=/opt/piavpn/bin/pia-client %u --quiet
    Change it into: Exec=env XDG_SESSION_TYPE=X11 /opt/piavpn/bin/pia-client %u --quiet

  2. If you do NOT want to edit anything, you need to manually start the PIA client each time using the following command: XDG_SESSION_TYPE=X11 /opt/piavpn/bin/pia-client

I don’t know why I never thought to modify the autostart script, probably because I don’t use it myself.

Of course it works fine in Gnome’s Wayland implementation :confused: